Friday, February 03, 2006

transitional sex and boob jobs

The new show is up, featuring readings from guests E.T. Waldron and Ron Chalice.

Of course, I stick my two cents in, reading my work about my realization that my relationship with "The Mad Gypsy" Karla Sasser, was, after all, a "transitional relationship".

The name of the piece is "Copper" and for those of you who slept through junior high school physical sciences class, copper is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity...hence the notion of the transitional man as copper, the guy who is there to catch you when you fall, but is just there to help get you back on your feet so that you can go on to a healthier, stronger relationship.

Although, let's face it, transitional sex is pretty great. But, ultimately, lonely is the transitional man. (pity party for the Genii, table of one)

Anyway, E.T. and Ron contributed some great stuff, although I had some trouble wrangling the files. I was very pleased they both joined in.

Next week: The Valentine's Day project(s). aigh.

By the way, was it my imagination, or did that one member of the "young women's group" on last night's survivor seem to really, really want us to see her cleavage? Having lived in L.A., usually if you see a woman flaunting it that hard, she'd had People who buy expensive cars like to park them in public places, you know?


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