Saturday, February 04, 2006

Track C and the notions of control

Yea, I told him he should do a "Track C" of his most intensely erotic works. Don't know if he'll listen, but he's spent the last decade being so repressed sexually, it's about time he got over it all and cut loose.

When it comes down to it, I think he's just been so guilt-ridden over his first divorce that he's made some stupid blunders. He tells the tale of a good friend, a woman, who was married with kids and had a very attactive male friend she knew professionally who was pressing for something more...she came to William and asked his advice. He told her either walk away from the friendship, or plan an air-tight affair. He told her that if she continued being friends with this guy she'd end up sleeping with him, and if she didn;t think it through it would be a drunken slip up after a party or at a business convention that would either be so sloppy people would know or so sudden she'd be guilt ridden and confess.

Well, she ignored our boy, kept the friendship...lost control at a convention, and had a great evening, banging her friend. Then went home the next day and confesssed it all to hubby, who threw her out.

I'nm afraid if Billiam (an ex-lover of his used to call him should hear some of the pet names that he has had over the years...I saw a list of them in the manuscript of his memoir (the level of detail he unrolls is staggering...) WITH WINGS AS OFT LEATHERY AS FEATHERY. He can't allow the book to be published until either he himself or a handful of people are dead...he's promised silence on so many matters to ex lovers. He has hamstrung himself and deprived the world of what would certainly be a bombshell of a book...bastard that he is.

None the less, I am concerned he'll get sloppy and end up with some guttersnipe or bimbo. He deserves better, I've even though of fixing up, myself, but he despises fix-ups (although he is softening on this, his friend Anastacia once introduced him to a woman he still mutters about...while he was dilly-dallying and shill-shallying in the shallow end of the pool, she got away...)

So, if you have a good candidate...don't hesitate to drop me a line...


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