Monday, December 31, 2007

one minute to midnight, New Year's Eve 2007

Where my beloved sleeps, it has been the New Year for several hours. Here, it is just moments away. I wanted to dedicate one last piece of this year to her, for making 2008 look so hopeful.

one minute to midnight, New Year's Eve 2007

I stand between two worlds, mine and yours.
Yours is distant and, although tempting,
there is an exempting hesitancy in my nature,
having been asked to cross that line before
and being disappointed by hollow words and wounds
uncured by failed amomancies in false prophets.

But I no longer belong in my world, for my spirit slips
and flickers in lambent adoration of you,
pulling its leash and begging me to let it away
to play and pray with you its altar and mistress.
And, with a word, dropped from as high as heavens allow,
you can cut the cord and free me to be yours.

William F. Devault. all rights reserved.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cleaning a house and building a new one

A few people may have noticed, indirectly, that I have been performing a house cleaning over the last few days (some beat the rush and bailed on their own). Not angry with anyone, or even disappointed, it is just that several people who were taking up a lot of my time started becoming too elusive on commitments and I have a very aggressive publication schedule for the coming year. I am mortal...hyperkinetic and perversely energetic, perhaps, with a great deal of stored charge from my last four years of monastic existence, but mortal enough to meet the textbook definitions.

In a not completely unrelated development, there will be the most major change to the official domain for my works, ever conceived and delivered since the founding of the 'City in 1996 and I will be addressing this change in the next several days. Prepare to have your mind blown.

I have made some major professional and personal commitments over the last week or two, and to accomplish these I will need the full fury of my mind and heart focused where I need them to be. I am organizing and reorganizing. I ask for your support in these changes and trust in the wisdom, intelligence and empathetic natures of my friends and readers as I take some pretty major steps.

By the way, watch the space for the first of a series of publication announcements in the next few days.

Love, peace and joy to you all. It is time for Atlas to rise to his feet and set the sky straight, once more.

consecrating the madness

Something new, by request, for a certain feral friend.

consecrating the madness

soft sleep the night and light the tread of memory
bids you reach out to a lover not yet there,
bare to your hunger, warm to the chill of lesser agents
of change and sanctity, the pity of wasted emotion
in an ocean of bleached leeches, unworthy of
even a kiss, stolen by deceit in shallows
where the power of a creature of the deeps
is unappreciated by those who cannot kiss
with intention to unleash you from their tepidity.
so fearful are they of the tigress within that
they sin with their mediocrity when heat and sweat
and sweat and iron would consecrate your sacrifice
to the gods of love and passions, awakened.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

free eBook download

I could burble on for a while about my latest poems or about the woman I love, or even about politics or social change, but I think I'll keep it simple today.

In honor of the holidays I am reminding everyone about the free eBook download of my massive volume THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES, which is available at

The direct link to the page is The Compleat Panther Cycles at

There are two files, one is the cover, the other is the entire pdf of the book. Since the printed volume costs you as much as $40.00 at brick and mortar and online stores (and, at three pounds, can cost you seriously for shipping), I thought this was a nice gift to my readers, especially those wishing to not only read this novel length poetic memoir, but also see my annotations to the cycles, as I place then in context of what was driving them at the time they came on the scene.

Some have called the "p-cycles" the benchmark of the online poetry movement, others are just impressed with the range of works and themes (and some just snort and go off to write more haiku about their keyboard). In any case, regardless of how you feel about the affair that inspired them and the effect it had on so many lives, it is a monument of some note to the power of passion and madness, coeur rage and cowardice. Included in the 640+ works are such pieces as "Cassiopeia's Garden: wildflowers", "The Panther on the Beach", "pride of authorship" and "I dared to dream of nightblooming jasmine".

So, Happy Holidays, all.

If enough people grab this between now and New Years to impress me, I promise to make available my book "Invocato" via the same means and for free. So pass the word around: Big honking book, for free, for download.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

the inspiration behind I Stand for You

It was very gratifying to read a review of my new villanelle "I Stand for You" and not only see a reviewer with the experience and education to note the heptameter variant, but also to be compared favourably to W.H. Auden and Lord Byron (I sometimes refer to him as "GGLB" for George Gordon, Lord Byron). It is flattering and humbling.

If you wish to view the poem at the Amomancer blog, the link is on the side here. I stand by my position (snarfle) that the quality of the work is more a reflection of the lady to whom it is dedicated than in any way a measure of me as a poet.

Inspiration is like that, and I give credit where it is due. She will be revealed when she chooses to be revealed. Until then, content yourself with the works that are a window into and a mirror of her beauty and value to me.

Dinosaurs in the Temple of Aphrodite

I know you have heard me say this before: Patience is the final virtue.

Of course, paranoia comes at the same time, piggy-backing on it to make sure that, while you can wait for something to happen, your imagination plays infinite tricks on you, trying to get you to react.

Patience is a discipline I have not perfected, but I have made great strides over the last several years. That damned imagination gets in the way a lot, much as in Carl Sagan's classic explanation as to why 19th Century scientists thought there were dinosaurs on Venus. It goes something like this:

In the 19th Century we could see only that the surface of Venus was enshrouded in clouds. They are also closer to the Sun, therefore most likely warmer. There was a time in earth's history when Earth was warmer and wetter, during the Age of Dinosaurs. Aha! There must be dinosaurs on Venus.

Observation: We can't see a thing. Conclusion: Dinosaurs.

I was the kind of kid who had trouble sleeping. When there was enough light to see, everything could be a slightly out of focus something ominous. In total darkness I rocked out, imagining all sorts of things that could be sitting or standing or creeping mere inches from me, ready to suck my brain out through my eye sockets.

Yeah, that's part of the reason why I took to lucid dreaming, just to get a handle on my nightmares.

I have learned some balance. I am still easily startled or disoriented when things don't play out the way I anticipate, when someone is not where (or when) I thought they'd be. I don't think ill of them, I just worry that an emergency came up, or they are in peril, or they are playing a joke. Paranoid? Maybe. But since all three have happened to me, on scales you would find astounding, it is the hard lash of experience.

Ever the optimist, I rebound quickly, but that damn imagination waits for the next dark room, the better to conjure the fears, not of a child, but of a man. This ronin is not hesitant to risk or trust, but the scars itch sometimes to remind me that everything is not always as we would hope it would be, and that sometimes, yes sometimes, there are dinosaurs in the Temple of Aphrodite.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to all...

I have been writing for hours, letting the blood and sweat pour to the page and I will post some, not necessarily all, once I am better able to read and comprehend what I wrote and what it means.

I know the essence is this: For Christmas this year, to all appearances, I have given and received the beginning of perhaps the greatest gift I shall give or receive in this life, and I am grateful.

Just impatient for the rest of my life, Billy Chrystal's speech to Meg Ryan at the end of "When Harry Met Sally".

Saturday, December 22, 2007

from out of the city, with clarity

In these last few weeks, visiting old haunts in Los Angeles and Central California, meeting with old friends and finding who amongst my new friends is more than a shadow...and, of course, falling in love, all these things have given me some perspective.

One of the key poems I got some angle on was my 1997 work "from out of the city", long considered something of a curiosity for its seeming precognizant statement regarding 9/11. A claim I have long dismissed and will drive a wooden stake the heart of now. I actually see with clearer eyes how intimate this work is to my life.

What follows is the poem, annotated (italics):

from out of the city

From out of the city came words. Small words.
("the city" is "the city of legends", my website...or perhaps even the entirety of my works. the "small words" are simplistic statements.)
Words like lead pellets, ringing on armour, stinging on flesh
and carrying a message of rage and honor defended.
(despite being "small words", they carry great power, due to their earnestness, and speak of rage and honor defended, when I stood up for love in following through on my oath to the panther.)

The prophet spoke in broken syntax, the facts spoke
for themselves in time and he was carried to the city square
to be stoned to death, in accordance with the law.
(My words were heavily stylized, and broken into hundreds of poems and poetic fragments. I was verbally assaulted and insulted for my actions by those who saw the impropriety of the situation as more important than my heart.)

Morning slid over the horizon as if on rails invisible,
and split the night like Trinity. Infinity seemed possible
except for the silence of the waking world, one eye open.
(When I realized that my lover had deserted me after I had walked away from my life, it was only a single moment of clarity the next morning that saved me from self-destruction, sort of a reverse "Nosferatu's Dream".)

Mourn the night and rise. Rise to your feet and climb
the hill you always said you'd climb before the end of all things.
For it is upon you, even in the optimism of dawn.
(This is an exhortation to my conscious mind from my preconscious, to accept the loss and move forward, being aware of my losses even though I will, by my nature, seek the best of what has passed.)

Mourn the night and rise. Rise to your vision, rise!
The afterlife is not waiting for you, but you for it,
and the madness of martyrs may call it too soon.
(I continue the exhortation, and warn myself that even the actions of others or random events could end the path before my work is done.)

Mourn the night and rise. Spread your bastard wings
and catch the feral winds that come on the sun's fire
to sweep away the night into small shadow piles in corners.
(Guess who? "The dragon" is back, a representation in my works for my superego. The past is consumed by light and heat and it is time to rise to the truth and get on my way.)

From out of the city came words. Final words.
Words like Eden. Gethsemane. Golgotha. And then.
And then. And then, the silence. The violence of indifference.
(The greatest danger, when pained, is to stop caring. Do not stop caring, I was warning myself. Do not die. Do not allow my words of the time to be "final words", as that silence would be a violence to the world.)

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

Takes on a different flavour now, hm? I think so. It just took my all these years to realize I knew the answers, I knew the game and I was ready to continue, even then. The epiphanies of the last few weeks have been amazing, I feel like a child taking Catechism, learning mysteries never before considered. I am moving up a magnitude in the understanding of my own works.

Friday, December 21, 2007

riders on our rainbows

I think it's a fragment, or several fragments, or just burbled out and I haven't got a pen on me, so I put it to the web.

riders on our rainbows

I've been burned and spurned, taken lashes unearned
for lessons I've learned from beautiful liars.
not infected but
when the history is inspected
it's amazing I'm alive.

They have whispers on the wall where the hearts of gold fall
and in and through it all
I still kept my point of view
and you, you were learning too
that not everyone who says it
speaks the language it was writ in
some times we just have heard it
from those who want to fit in
something passing them by on grey days
and rather than move away
they climbed on in and asked to steer
never asking where the nearest exit was.

We were ever the perfect hosts
to lug the baggage, calms the ghosts
and offer up our blood as toasts
for the riders on rainbows.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Truth Inventory and the I am exercise

I am still working on the truth inventory. Who knows? Maybe it will turn into a book.

I am developing my own process for getting to the truth, one of the tools I am using is a variation on the classic "I am" psychological test.

The basis for that test was that you needed to identify who you are and what priority you assign to the labels you assign to yourself. You would make a list of ten statements starting with "I am..."

For instance, in my case, I might make a list that reads:

I am a father.
I am a human
I am a poet.
I am a Quaker.
I am a son.
I am a published author.
I am overweight.
I am twice divorced.
I am fairly self-aware.
I am a brother.

Then you go back and identify them by priority, either by assigning them a place 1-10, or just picking the top one or top three, etc. It's fairly simple and can be the basis for a lot of add-on exercises.

For the truth inventory, perhaps I need to make a list of "beliefs" that may need to be examined to see if they are true to the best of my knowledge. For the purposes of this exercise, all things I "know" become "beliefs", as no "truth" has yet been defined.

So, let's try it, live, right here and now.

I believe in the existence of God.
I believe I love my children.
I believe I exist as a corporeal and spiritual being.
I believe Global Warming is a danger to the world.
I believe I write pretty well, and at an absurdly prolific level, compared to most.
I believe everyone has some good in them, and some evil, it is environment and free will that determines the manifestation.
I believe I have been in love; not always wisely, but always with the best of intentions.
I believe I am, on the whole, happy, and with the ability to continue to be so.
I believe there is a difference between law and morality, and should be.
I believe I can change, if not the world, at least my world.

Wow. Some are going to be difficult to prove or disprove. But let's pick the top three, the three things I need to be true to be best anchored in this world.


I believe in the existence of God.
I believe I have been in love; not always wisely, but always with the best of intentions.
I believe I love my children.

Interesting choices. beliefs based upon the paradigm of love, as I believe it to be (God), and the manifestation of that love through me (lovers and children).

Now...are these truths? Are they beliefs? More likely the latter, as empirical evidence is tough on all three. Perhaps I need to get more construct on my "truths"...for instance.

I live on a planet generally referred to as "Earth".
I have been married to two different women, and divorced from both.
I have fathered three children.
I have authored books of poetry.

All of these four examples present hard evidence to back them up. That's a better starting point. Beliefs define how I look at things, but I need to be sure of what things there are and how they relate to me.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A truth inventory

I was reading, in Time Magazine, Bono's article on Al Gore, as part of their "Person of the Year" issue. Al is first runner up for that honour, behind Vladimir Putin, a charming fellow who in time we may discover if he was the next Margaret Thatcher or the next Stalin (my guess is, somewhere in-between).

And Bono, the politically-active superstar of rock, invoked a word that Al quoted to him, from Gandhi (definitely not the Stalin or Thatcher type): Satyagraha.

It means to hold tight to the truth.

As a Quaker, I am required to do this, to seek truth and hold on in a death grip that not threats or pain or the seduction of media can loosen. It's a tough bastard concept, holding on that tight to anything.

And it occurred to me that one thing I might benefit from is a "truth inventory", actually sitting down and trying to clearly differentiate in my mind between truth and untruth. Not just truth and lies, but also allowing for supposition. Author Robert Heinlein used a class of character in some of his books who were called "true witnesses", people who were trained to only report the absolute, objective observations. When asked what colour the house on the corner is, instead of saying "White" they would be more proper to answer "At ten o'clock this morning, when I passed by, the South and West faces were white". Even that has suppositions in it.

Much of what I know in this world has been taught to me. Some of those teachings I have tested, and some have been proven or disproven to me by hard experience.

But to actually break it down to that which I know and that which I merely believe or have accepted out of convenience. That gets sticky and prickly.

Descartes will have a field day. We all must accept certain things as convenient truths, like our own existence. You can invoke your Freshman Philosophy professor, who will probably never be cited by anyone who didn't take his class, as he explains that even that is a bit presumptive. I don;t want to waste time with the mental masturbation that is free-range semantics.

I want. I need. I seek the truth.

I'll get back to you as soon as I sort out ten things I know for sure, but here's my starting point.

Truth #1: I am limited to my senses and my reasoning for verifying truth, and these can be subverted by internal will, prejudicial thought patterns and external influences.

This will be fun, the way I define fun. Some people relax in an easy chair, I prefer to relax running an obstacle course littered with live landmines and HK drones, in my head.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Top Ten...

Top Ten Reasons Why Terry Bowden Should be the new WVU Coach

10. He played football at WVU.
9. He already knows not to park on Dorsey Avenue.
8. His reputation and name will protect recruiting.
7. Yahoo can't afford to match the offer.
6. He'll show Slaton how to hold onto the ball.
5. He hates Pitt.
4. Florisa State will need somebody to poach when Bobby retires.
3. Sets up an all-Bowden top 3 in the BCS, which is a sign of the Apocalypse.
2. He locks up recruiting at Morgantown High School for the next few years.

and the #1 reason WVU should hire Terry Bowden?

1. He's tanned, he's rested, he's ready.

old friend vote

I could take this morning to talk about my new lover, dispelling all mystery by naming her and telling the story of our relationship.

I could use this time to present some new works, talk about my screenplays I am working on, or even to talk more about the good, the bad and the ugly of my recent California sojourn.

But then I would be predictable.

So, instead, I will discuss the football coaching vacancy at West Virginia University and the man I am rooting for to coach the Mountaineers.

I'm backing Terry Bowden.

Not just because he's the son of a coaching legends and the brother of another first-water coach, or the fact he played for the Mountaineers and has proven himself a competent and creative coach of major college football.

But because I know the guy, having gone to high school and church with him. I have some great anecdotes, anecdotes worth telling if he's the head coach at WVU.

So, c'mon guys, let's get him in the saddle so I can tell about the time...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

California, the waning hours

Only a few short hours left before the winds of an old rage drives me East, back to Virginia. Three hours closer to my heart, but away from my home.

I just got back from a lively lunch with old friend Raven West, author of several books, including "Red Wine for Breakfast". We had a good time dishing dirt about people we've known from the AOL Writers Club, as well as Author's Den. A definite high point of my trip.

I qill miss Peri, but it will be good to see the boys.

Saturday morning, California scheming

As I told my daughter yesterday, I feel incomplete when I am away from Los Angeles. I realize the city is not to everyone's tastes...but to me it remains home, a spiritual center.

Many would consider that deranged. I recall when I first moved here, Aldo Alvarez challenged the move, pointing out that the city had a reputation of being a cultural wasteland. I stand by my sense that it is here, in the near-fusion molten sea of carbon monoxide and night-blooming jasmine, of tanning beds and shattered dreams, there is a vapour that is unique, and once inhaled, it either poisons you or seduces you.

This city is my crucible, where I found myself and where such of me remains as to render me only complete within her shadows.

This trip, for whatever else comes of it, was good to that remind me of who I am and how much more I have to do. I sacrificed the path once before out of charity for a lost soul, I can't do that again. The clock continues to tick, every mark a slice off the candle I burn from the other end, and the wick is not infinite.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday night and the colours adjust themselves

I have had a few hours to ponder my lessons from the desert and am beginning to sort them out. Many, many thoughts, more than I can translate to words in short order, the channel is only so wide and the waters so swift.

I belong here. I learned that more than a decade ago, and nothing has changed. My given obligation to a broken soul drew me from here, but I find my strength in the Santa Ana Winds and the sand dragons, the night blooming jasmine and the texture of the sky.

I will make every reasonable attempt to, in the future, return here.

I am stronger now.

California, by proxy

Well, the poet is winding down his time in the City of Angels and the Golden State by making his sacred pilgrimage to the desert. He has confided in me that he plans to visit again next autumn, but "not alone".

I can guess. Although he did tell me that he has received "more than one" offer of companionship for the next trip. It will be interesting to see what happens. I know who he wants to spend the time with...but plans sometimes take a detour.

I understand he will be meeting with his friend, author Raven West, this evening, and spending some more time with his daughter and son in law before he departs.

High point of his trip so far has to be the day at Notre Dame High School. I'd say the visit to the high desert, but that is not always a pleasant is his time to wrestle his demons.

And, usually, he wins...but sometimes by a close margin.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

California, part VI(I think)

The trip down to LA was brutal, as I allowed my demons free run in the sealed shroud of the car.

Words were said both true and twisted, dreams dissected and vivisected, protected parts parts of my soul projected and directed into darkness.

You know, the usual path to a writing spasm.

California (V?) or, our story so far

Getting ready to head back down to Los Angeles after a nearly three day visit to Salinas and Monterey. Many people evaporated on me; some pleasant surprises, nonetheless.

I was never able to work out the email problem at the internet Cafe here, but I was able to tap into my email through the local public library, so I got caught up on that, yesterday. The damnedest thing is that the public library opens at 11 am! WTF?

I had lunch yesterday with Nightblooming's cousin, a pleasant young lady who seemed pleasantly surprised not to find an Old Testament Prophet (why do people online always have this bizarre image of me as some sort of an authority figure?). She was very nice and charming and we had a nice visit.

The high point had to be the day spent at Notre Dame, though, with the six classes of students and their amazing teacher. It was good to reconnect with many at the school who recalled my last visit, five years time flies, eh?

I also dropped by Harden Middle School. where I was the Alcohol and Drug Resource Specialist five years ago, as well as being the Friday Night Live (FNL) coordinator for Monterey County and the facilitator for the Youth Alternatives to Violence (YATV) program for the probation department. I was busy back then, but doing good.

I ran into quite a few people who did a double take when I walked in, and that was nice...the soda machine in the teacher's lounge still dispenses Diet RC!!!!!!!

Stopped by a local produce market and loaded up on huge navel oranges for just twenty nine cents a pound. Wrote some nice pieces. My knees are no longer hurting me and my clothes fit like I've dropped 5-10 lbs already.

As I type this it is 9:08 in the morning and seated at the next computer are two kids who are obviously truant from school, just like the posse of them at the local Burger King...I wonder why there isn't more diligence, everyone knows the local hangouts.

Missing the boys, looking forward to going back East, but mostly wanting to spend more time with Peri and Brian. Also missing regular contact with the Siren. Yeah, I'm smitten...although I was very attracted to this one woman I met here...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

California part IIII, the cafe blues

It is a bit frustrating not being able to access my email. The one cybercafe I found in Salinas, Rollick's, has their security set up such that I cannot access my email. WTF?

The counter help just shrugs when asked what can be done. As a result, I may have to seek out a less convenient location or wait until I get back to LA, as I have full access to everything at Planet Cyber on Topanga Canyon, where they use a different Cafe software package (from TinaSoft).

Rollick's uses something called SmartLaunch, but I think it is more an issue of my using a paid guest account, where their security settings are more strict. I will see about a membership.

Considered contacting some more local friends last night, even at least one new one, but the lack of email was a hindrance.

Monday, December 10, 2007

California, part III

A good day. Okay, good and bad.

I am staying in Marina, near Monterey, and the air is crisp and I can see the ocean. The real ocean.

The time I spent at Notre Dame High School was nice. I spoke with several classes and met dozens of bright young minds, some of whom had their own charms and intellects to get to encounter.

Their teacher, Katie, was a charming and very bright and attractive lady who was very good at introducing me and stepping back.

Nightblooming has cancelled our dinner. I am disappointed, but life goes on...I have other options for distraction.

I may even extend my stay through Wednesday, rather than return to LA tomorrow morning.

We shall see. My email does not work at the cyber cafe I am using...which is a bummer. I shall try another method later, as my emails may effect my plans.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

California, part II

I went out with my daughter, Peri, and her husband, last night, and watched most of his staging (he directed) of "The Best Man". Excellent show. I say "most of" as jet lag overtook me and I had to call it a night.

Peri is under the weather today, so we are to get together again after I get back from Central California.

I was tempted to take in the Arts and Crafts Show in the Valley this morning, but considering some of the people I might encounter there, I decided to save what is left of my good mood for now.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

LA, part I

On the ground in Los Angeles. Good flight.

The melancholy lifts. More later.

Friday, December 07, 2007

going home for a visit

Well, it's about time.

In about 18 hours my plane lifts for the Golden State. Just for a visit, mind you.

But a visit full of rebirth. I will reconnect with old friends, a former muse or two, spend time teaching poetry in schools, and visit with my daughter and her husband, Brian (including seeing him direct the Gore Vidal play "The Best Man").

I will try and grab a meal at Roscoe's, maybe the Pier View is back in business and I can have some of their incredible fish and chips. I'll eat some cheap Chinese food, hang around Venice, and maybe pay my respect to my brothers, the sand dragons.

It's about time.

Of course, the topic of my love life will come up. I'll just smile.

Monday, December 03, 2007

taking requests

Always at least willing to listen to my reading public, I would like to hear if anyone would like to suggest any particular poems for me to read during my West Coast swing.

Remember, a lot of the readings will be done in schools, so let's stay away from the more habanero works, if you please.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

a glimpse at the itinerary

Much of my trip next week is unstructured. I have to leave flexibility for old friends (and a daughter) who may have last minute changes to their plans...

But, the day that is shaping up as the most interesting so far is next Monday, December 10th. I will be spending that day in Central California, starting with a full day reading poetry, discussing poetry and sort of playing poet in residence to a rather girl's prep school I have previous performed at. Getting to spend a day just being me, the poet, is nice.

In the evening i am having dinner with "Nightblooming" herself (yes, that is her on the cover of the CD...not a bad way to end the day). No, sorry guys, she's not the mystery woman. We are friends. Although at one time I made a run on her affections, she had the sanity to reject me as a suitor. (Insert joke here) I am going to be meeting with her to discuss a book project I am considering editing and publishing for her. Yes, Tag and I are examining the possibility of starting our own publishing house.

So, all in all, if only the planned events transpire, it promises to be a good day to immerse myself in the poetry.

Friday, November 30, 2007

A prophet is not without honor

I have to be a good boy here, in this blog, for the next few weeks, as I am going to be including schools in my California swing and I don't need some student, teacher or parent misinterpreting anything I have written or said (or, for that matter, correctly interpreting some of the things I have said or written) and getting all up in arms about it.

I have some regrets shaping up from this tour, some key people I would have loved to sat down to lunch with at least once while in Los Angeles, San Diego, Salinas and San Francisco (the boy knows how to pack a week). But, all in all, a man who has lived a major portion of the last decade and a half of his life in some form or other of exile knows the cost of pariahship (if not previously a word, I make it so...such is the power of a poet).

It will be good to get back with people who respect the poetry and the poet. Three years in West Virginia and I was unable to get a single second in a classroom, despite honors from such groups as the Appalachian Education Initiative and ArtsMon. I leak that I am going to California for a week and my schedule books up fast. A prophet is not without honor...

And trust me, this will be my prophecy tour, my voice in the desert time. Time, not to die, but to embrace that which is best in my legacy and life.

There will be trials and temptations, joy and sorrow, satisfaction and rage, all packed into barely a week...but that is what is good int his life, not to be lost in the grey, tasteless fog that is mediocrity and the somnambulism of entropy.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

checking in

Sorry for the absence, I have just been busy over the holidays: Scheduling my readings during my California trip, writing, falling in love, editing, recording, the usual.

What? You want more details...

on what?

Heh heh.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

content within my illusions

Content within my illusions. The line has been rattling around my brain for the last little bit, announcing itself like an overloud party guest.

There is a school of thought, one I visit when the need and whim takes me, that says just about everything is illusion, built on perception and perspective, not reality.

How do I know that you, dear reader, actually exist? It is possible I receive many times more or many times less readers than my statistics say. It is possible that you are not whom I assume you to be, even when I am dealing with the specific.

It's been done before, to me and others. The Internet is rife and ripe with people wanting to come from a different reality than they really do. They change their face, their name, their age, even their gender, as they want to be something else, at least within the purpose of the moment. They lie about their motives.

I have always considered this ineffably sad.

But whenever I encounter deceit, am I bound to rip it apart and find the truth or should I be content within my illusions, even if I know somewhere that this person is not who he or she says they are, this situation may not hold up to scrutiny?

It is, on the surface, a simple choice. But, as the nature of reality itself may be I get to choose what is real enough for my purposes?

Perhaps. Perhaps.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

A tranquil and purposeful day to all. May you acknowledge your blessings, as well as your ability to live up more to the principals and purposes you consider important. Embrace your loved ones today (some of us are unable to do so, completely) and give thanks.

Love, joy and peace to all.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I have joined up with Reverbnation, which is an online space dedicated to the distribution and promotion of recording musicians, bands, etc.

Nice don't have to join to drop by and listen to the handful of tracks I am parking there (it is free, though) but drop by sometime and spend a few moments meditating on the words and music.

I have started out with my tracks "Taste", "Centaur" and "Darfur (Jesus Wept)".

All you need is love, you know...but a little poetry and music doesn't hurt the process.

Californicating with the law

I see where the Red Hot Chili Peppers are suing Showtime over the title of their series, "Californication", claiming they pretty much own that clever bit of wordplay.

Uh, guys, all due respect, but Memorial Junior High School in Minot, North Dakota, would like a few million I recall them using that bit in an article in 1967 in their school newspaper, and copyright being what it is; fork it over, boys. (and it wasn't a new idea then, either)

C'mon people, get with the sanity. This is as stupid as Harlan Ellison extorting a screen credit on "The Terminator" because he invented time travel, or at least he seems to think so and Jim Cameron and the studio didn't have the cajones to laugh it off.

Duchovy and company, don't give an inch.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Naked, Again. with a twist.

The recordings are finished, the engineering complete. I have but a few details to complete on the case design (nasty little control freak that I am) and I will be done with it: The new CD.

Originally called "Naked, Again" it has had a slight change in title, owing to a last minute decision:

The Goldenheart Cycles

That's right, boys and girls. This CD of "pure" reading is nothing more, nothing less and nothing else than my doing a very intense and heartfelt reading of the entirety of The Goldenheart Cycles. All of them. All 49 works. Including "Impalement", "Bare Feet on a Wooden Floor" and "Edward Bears His Soul".

I'lll have ordering information out later this week. Wow. What a weekend.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

I was talking about one of my sons with my ex the other day, and she expressed some frustration at him "not getting it" sometime when she was telling him something he needed to do or not do.

She compared it to how I sometimes get, acting like I am not listening or comprehending when she is telling me something she perceives as pretty straight forward. Then she said the words that dropped the linchpin into the assembly: "I know you're both smarter than that".


I actually was a little excited to realize she was right. My problem was not in perception of a given lightsource, but in too broad of a spectrum to evaluate. My Mother is fond of saying to me "I'm glad I am not as smart as you" (a put down for when I say something she considers trivial, irrelevant or over-thought). But it occurs to me that there is a downside to a ridiculously large and nimble brain-pan.

Too much perception.

A person says to me "You hurt my feelings" and I do not respond immediately, not because I cannot accept the notion that I have done or said something hurtful, but because I can think of so many things I have done and am trying to narrow it down to the one the person is most likely speaking of. My son, Elric, is the same way...he overloads on options and seems indecisive, which is a good label for it, but in a different way and from a different purpose than most would take.

Elric and I had a good conversation about it, at length, later. I told him that perceiving too many possibilities, while it makes you a great creative thinker, can put you outside of the mainstream of communication. People think you are not listening or responding to their words and action, when actually you are just seeking cues and clues to narrow your search to the specific issue being addressed.

Imagine someone comes up to me (or you) today and asks "Do you know what today is?"...the number of possible responses...including, but not limited to:

"November 19, 2007"
"The first day of the rest of my life"
"Three days before Thanksgiving"
"The anniversary of Brigit and my first kiss" (really, as well as at least five other anniversaries of personal relationships I will not reveal here)
I know of two friends are former friends whose birthdays are this week, as well, so maybe it is in reference to that.
"35 shopping days until Christmas"
"My favourite night of television" (About half my weekly allocation of TV time is take up by "Chuck" and "Heroes")
"The day the draft Business Development Plan is due for review"
"The 323rd day of the year (don't ask why I know this)"
The birthday of three of my favourite actresses (I read almanacs when I am bored), Jodie Foster, Meg Ryan and Allison Janney.

And that's without agenda and baggage that I might have with you, personally. So, you see, it is more of getting overloaded with possibilities for response, rather than having none.

I can't tell you how many times in my life a friend or lover has accused me of being insensitive because I didn't discern what their hinted-at issue was. It is frustrating, painful and unproductive.

So please, please, if you are going to confront me on an issue (or my son, for that matter) take nothing for granted and spell out your issue. You'll get a better answer and we'll all be happier.

A free copy of one of my books to the first commentor who explains the title of this entry (and, no, not the REM song, which was adapted from the original source).

Sunday, November 18, 2007

planning the trip

I am currently evaluating venues to visit whilst back in LA...HOB is always a good place to drop by, even if there's not a name act that night. So they'll be my fallback position.

A review of current venue lists/calendars shows acts I love from Squirrel Nut Zippers to Velvet Revolver...but I will keep an open mind, perhaps Billy Vera is playing a gig that week in the isn't Los Angeles without Billy.

It will feel eerie without key friends around...many have moved away (you hear me, Larry?) and others have dropped off the radar (Dave? Dave? Dave?). Most of my old girlfriends are now married or vanished into the shadows. Sad.

There is a lot of speculation as to exactly what my real motives are for the visit, aside from seeing my daughter. Let's just say there is a multiplicity of motives, including the desire to "recover the scent".

I put my life aside many, many years ago, to take care of a friend who was in trouble, and that consumed my career, my fortune and my life for some time. Perhaps this is my Roy Hobbs visitation, looking to see if my lost years can be recaptured.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday afternoon

Getting revved up for the weekend...much to get accomplished.

A good lunch (I was able to convince the nice lady at the Safeway deli to fix me a large portion of chicken livers, which I consumed with a bottle of Perrier...okay, the nutrition isn't perfect, but my body was craving it) and some quiet time seems to be doing me a universe of good.

Sales have been lackluster the last month or two on my books and CDs...probably my lack of touring, promotion, advertising and no recent book to serve as lightning rod.

Sigh. I hate pimping my works. I'm a writer. I write. Let those vainglorious middle-men who always seem to be getting more than their proper share do the buckchasing.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

in perspective

The sheer magnitude of my commitments, professionally, creatively and socially, over the next three weeks or so, is staggering.

And I am amped up.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

the winds of an old rage

(singing) All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.

Now you know that's a lie, I tend to pack the night before or mere hours before a trip, but the concept is sound.

I have made my plane and rental car reservations for my vacation trip back home to Lala Land.

It's starting to feel real. Amazingly so. I leave on the morning of the 8th and touch down around noon, PST. I will get to hang a bit with the daughter and her spousal unit, then make my proper meditations to the sand dragons before turning north for a drive through the almond groves of the high desert on my way to Paso Robles and Salinas (the former is the site of James Dean's car crash, the other the home town of John Steinbeck). I may squeeze in San Jose or Frisco, depending on who is around.

I will touch the sea as the sun slips beneath it. I will listen to the wind in the brush of the high desert. I will feel the hot dry winds of the Morongo Valley. I will taste heaven. I will eat at Roscoe's.

In unrelated news items: My nephew, Robert Dennis DeVault II, occasionally referred to as R2-D2 by myself, was married this morning. I have no other details and am a little wounded by the lack of advance warning, but I'll survive.

And Nightblooming's dog had puppies yesterday: I know, big whoop to you, but she loves that tiny monster.

off to the side for the moment

Song stuck in my head:

"Just a Song Before I Go" by Crosby, Stills & Nash

I understand this song and am familiar with and appreciative of the history of its composition by Graham Nash: Composed in 15 minutes on a dare from the driver who was taking him to the airport to go on tour.

Sweet, sad and very, very resonant.

Monday, November 12, 2007


A few years back I announced a book project, one that has never seen the light of day. It was called "12" and I teased my regular readers with sweet nothings about the meaning behind the title and the content of the book.

The truth: The title was a binding metaphor, linking the Twelve Labours of Hercules to twelve major emotional and spiritual upheavals in my own life; from the death of a friend to my divorces, my estrangement from my daughter, and my own occasional follies resulting, more often than not, from trusting someone or something at face value while seeking validation for this role I took on (or was born into) as a poet, as the Amomancer.

I had not revealed that at the time, and hope my readers from back then will accept this tidbit in the spirit in which it is offered: As an indication that the project is not dead (nosferatu).

Now we get into layers of metaphor and allegory. Time will reveal much, as shall I.

You think that is something? Wait until you hear the story behind the novel I ghost wrote. But that is for another day.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

precognizant itinerary

In a perfect world, when I go on vacation next month, it would be to several cities and countries (you know who you are), but reality is a harsh mistress (and I prefer my mistresses soft and yielding).

As it is, my likely itinerary is to travel to Los Angeles on the 7th of December, spend time on Friday and Saturday and perhaps even Sunday with my daughter, Peri, and her husband, Brian. Then, probably Sunday or Monday, make a pilgrimage to the high desert to wander in the wilderness and reconnect.

From there I will possibly travel to the Salinas area. Or not. There is frail purpose luring me there and the cost-benefits analysis hinges on my telling some people I'd be there. So, as a matter of honor, I must go...but it will probably be a brief stop over, at most.

Then later in the week I will return to LA to visit some of my old haunts and see if I can get together with old friends, the returning to the East Coast probably on the 15th or 16th. Perhaps see my daughter again. We are not as close as we once were and I can;t seem to find the right actions or words to repair the damage.

But at least she isn't denying she ever heard of me.

Could things happen to screw all that up? Oh yeah. Man plans, God laughs and I adapt.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

musical medicine bag

Okay, I am a junkie.


I keep a long list of songs in my iTunes, and when I need to manipulate my moods, I select that which is necessary ("It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary," asks Colonel Kurtz...) and use it to pull myself, sometimes violently, into the mental state I want to be in. Thank God my eyes are going before my hearing.

This morning I slipped on the headphone and brought up iTunes...scanning for what I needed, what I wanted. And there, down a ways in the list, was the right drug, the right alchemy for my mind's veins" "A Mighty Love" by The Spinners.

Within minutes it was like I had been given ECT (something I was once offered under circumstances too bizarre to adequately explain. Again, thank you, Larry) and was jolted out of a valley. That song, I am certain, effects normal people the same way, so uplifting, visionary and powerful.

Forgive me if there are typos this morning...the cat has taken this occasion to decide to demand attention by walking back and forth across the keyboard.

Anyway, I love The Spinners (I have even forgiven them for "Rubber Band Man") and find that there are three or four of their songs in my musical medicine bag. Thanks guys.

Now, back to work.

Friday, November 09, 2007

the one work, an answer

I'm going to answer a question I have gently side-stepped in many interviews over the years, taking the polite and diplomatic route, treating my works like the children they are to me, showing no favouritism.

I am often asked what is my best, most memorable, more important work.

That's a tough question for a poet with my catalog to respond to, as I can give reasons for a hundred to be considered each, in their own season and reason, the one most important work. But I decided to ask myself the question. What poem has had the most impact on your life?

That's an easy question to answer. It is an older work, often obscured by the popularity to its generational sibling "Monument", "I should have been immortal" and "The Unicorns".

It is "My Electric Lady". As with most births, there was nothing outwardly auspicious about it. I hammered it out on Psyche's typewriter in her study on South High Street in Morgantown, West Virginia, when I was 18 and did not yet understand where the spirit, the muse, the creative force came from.

It flowed in one draft, no editing, no clever assimilation of random nodes into a single entity. The "Electric Lady" of the title was Psyche, my first real love and perhaps the one that will haunt me all my days. The source of the image: She had a shirt, deep blue, with the tracing of a light blue Japanese lady with a parasol on the front. We had nicknamed the shirt the "Electric Lady" shirt, as it looked like the woman was glowing with neon-blue energies.

One evening, as Psyche (her real name was and is Nancy, but it is simpler to keep the totem-muse consistent) was studying, I sat down at the typewriter, as I would often do, and tapped out a poem.

At the time I could not tell you where it came from. It seemed to tell a story, but a story I did not think I was writing. It was perhaps the first work I can recall that came without conscious action on my part, from the preconscious.

When I was through, she and I read it and she became very upset. It foretold a parting of the ways, where I would have to choose between her and my place as a poet. It seemed ludicrous and terrible to comprehend.

Four years later she told me I would have to give up poetry to keep her. And the poem was fulfilled. Whether she was consciously or preconsciously fulfilling the prophecy, or whether my preconscious knew, just knew, that someday the choice would be given to me, I knew the choice was not a choice at all.

And a few weeks later, as I visited her at central Missouri State University, where she had already met the man who would eventually take my place in her life, a man of undivided loyalties, the final lines came to pass.

My Electric Lady

dance for me, my electric lady.
sing a song that gently soothes my soul.
tomorrow I must leave your world again, my love...
as I strive to reach this endless journey's goal.

I once gave up my poor and mortal birthright,
so that I might touch the sky and see true things.
my love, I'm not so sure I would have started,
if I could have seen the pain this voyage brings.

once again, my electric lady,
touch me and bring forth my too-rare smile.
for the moment I am just another mortal-
and a little love will last me quite a while.

if we had only met before the present,
and what is gone had made me what I am,
a love would be that all who live might envy-
but I cannot come back this way again.

for the final time, my electric lady...
give me all that I may take within my vow.
tomorrow is my child and a gift to the stars-
and the night is just my brother here and now.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

This work, both in the manner of its writing, and the breaking apart of my person to be what I believe I was supposed to be, by nature or nurture, truly was the most important work.

Without the tapping into the preconscious, 95-99% of my later works would have never come to pass.

Without the pain of that parting, which still is like a knife in my soul, I would have never grown out and beyond my shell of experience and there would have never been a Valkyrie, a Leopard, a Panther, Brigit, a Southern Siren, a Mad Gypsy, Nightblooming, The Wisp, Arachne, a Goldenheart (who was, in part, an echo for a return to the moments before that poem entered the world).

I would have been, perhaps, happy and loving and loved. But I would not be who I am today. I would have never fathered the three wonderful children I now know. I would've never found my home in Venice, or friends of the brilliance and joy I have had.

Perhaps I would have been a greater writer, or perhaps at least a better person, but I know of no one with a richer legacy of poetry and I am content that I have thrown myself on my fair share of spiritual hand grenades long the path, trying to help others (perhaps even out a sense of unworthiness I am trying to transcend, rooted in my loss of Psyche).

In any case, there's my answer. There's the poem. Next question?

over-extended, part XXXVIII

I realize I am behind the curve on a zillion small (and some not-so-small) projects, not so much out of sloth as over-commitment.

So, I sat down this morning and made a list of what I need to accomplish over this weekend. It actually got a little depressing, but in a humourous manner.

Let's see what I can do on a list that includes:

Final edits Psalms of the Monster River Cult

Final engineering and packaging and release Naked Again

Finish putting together that box of DVDs for my nephew, Josh, who is serving in Iraq.

Yardwork. Lotsa yardwork.

Four chapters on any of my novels, ideally The Prince of Love or Mather's Milk. If Prince of Love, update the screenplay.

Block out 2-4 hours to just free-associate write...I have been shortchanging the creative side.

Advance the plans for my California vacation in December.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

even as Henry relented

One of my favourite actors of all time, if not my absolute favourite, is Peter O'Toole. From "Lawrence of Arabia" to "The Stunt Man" to "The Lion in Winter" he has always managed to impress me with his presence.

I had a Henry Planagenet moment a bit ago, I called it that because it reminded me of the scene in "The Lion in Winter" where he disowns his sons for all their conniving and plotting (O'Toole played it so brilliantly in the movie).

I was reading my poem "Latticework":

a soft and blushing surrender,
given in kind and loving thought.
sweet as the smell of a rose's first bloom
taken to the heighths of the latticework
of your heart. warm and exotic, crying out
for a kiss and a brave hand to accept
her lost control and hold her
safely to him as she gives over her love
in an opening of the fragrant petals
of her passionate charms.

...and it suddenly hit me how many times I have been so disappointed in love. Has there ever been a woman who lived up to what my friend, the poet Larry Jaffe, calls my "level of love"? I don't know. Certainly I have not always been the best apostle of the faith, and perhaps my desire to find someone who loves as a poet loves is hypocrisy of a hot degree.


But I found myself seething with anger (not hatred, that is a bastard emotion) at all of those who spoke the words but never lived them, who wanted the immortality, the passion, even the money (when I still had it) but never the man. The poetry but not the poet.

You would not want to read what I wrote in that moment, in its own way as toxic as anything fo the missing cycle of the panther, the 8th. But it felt good to clean it out of me, to acknowledge my disappointment and my hurt and rage.

Then to forgive and move on, even as Henry relented. Of course, history tells us that, in the end, Henry was finally betrayed and torn down by those he forgave.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Is there nothing real amidst canyons of glass...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

weighing in on waterboarding

What do we gain if we win battles and wars and yet lose our virtue, or moral compass and the very values we claim to represent?

I have been hearing a lot of bilge from writers and politicans in the past few weeks about waterboarding, the form of torture where you place a subject (euphemism for a living, braething man or woman) in a position to experience the wonderful joy of the sensation of suffocating to death by drowning.

I have heard from those who believe it to be a fair and righteous way to interrogate prisoners.

I agree we live in a  difficult and complicated world where there are those who seek harm to us, but to give up our identity as humane, compassionate and spiritual people in order to preserve the expediency of this life?  You could, by the same logic, defend armed robbery as a means of making a living or rape as a means of passing on your genes.

When the ends justify the means the virtue is lost.  War is not a virtue.  Killing is not a virtue.  Expedience is not a virtue.  I will not get into a debate on specific cases, though.  

Evil in the name of good may play well on television and in films, but if all you want is a good dramatic story and not the preservation of the Constitution or moral limits expressly outlined in most world religions, including Christianity, I feel sorry for you, and sorry for those who may be swayed.

The first century Christians did not engage their opressors in battle.  They had not yet been tainted by the politics of expediency, the perversion of the faith in the name of principles we forfeit if we engage in conduct at odds with them.  As I have said before, God is not an American.

Waterboarding is torture.  Don't lie to make it worse.  The hypocrisy of our leaders on this topic is odious and insulting.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

The City gets a facelift

With the aid of the gifted Igor Jovic I have updated the front page of the City of Legends.

Now for the substantive renovations.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

as the curtain parts

The recent antics of an acquaintance brought to mind one of my favourite passages from The Bible, as stated by the Apostle Paul in his 1st letter to the Corinthians:

"When I was a child, 
I spake as a child, 
I understood as a child, 
I thought as a child: 
but when I became a man, 
I put away childish things."

Of course, I reserve the right to take these childish things out to play with from time to time.  I just don't forget that I am a man, most of the time.

The rap on me when I was young was that I was too serious.  But to those I pulled out of harm's way, intervening (sometimes unwelcome) to the rescue, most have come around to respecting the role I have played.  For everyone who takes umbrage at a thought or a word or a deed I have committed or failed to enact, I can just say I have tried hard and there are people alive today to credit me with their lives, their safety, their sanity.

Have I failed, more oft than I would like to have?  Of course.  But I am only mortal, and despite my doctor's words that it will take kryptonite to kill me, I am far from infallible or indestructible.

But.  I am content I have done, on the whole, great and purposeful things.

Now, for Act III to begin.  The lights dim and the curtains part.

November 1, 1973

One of the most vivid days in my life is anniversaried today. Ironic, after a fashion, that I should be, for only the third time in my life, not celebrating it appropriately.

But in my heart, I remember it all with stained-glass clarity and a charity to those for whom indifference and even hatred is possible when love falters, for in the altar of my soul, it lingers, forever.

For I believe. And grieve. And never leave a place without regrets.

And those who would believe less of me only do so because they cannot perceive the light as bright as they have spawned, and that is sad to me. So sad.

The dream of the three panthers was fulfilled. The Nosteratu's dream remains. The riddle of the three ribbons in the desert persists. And I am well, as well as any man adrift on a limitless sea with no horizon but hope. Hope as broad as the heavens at night on a sea of perfect calm and promise.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

new and dark and sparkling

She should know who she is. And be slowly learning who I am, under this thin veneer of sanity and vanity.

wash tomorrow red

coming out of the clouds, loud and proud and drawing a crowd
to see what the fuss is all about, shouting words absurd enough
to stuff the toughened sacks of slack jawed, wadded-up faces traced
to shadows and silence where the violence is black and grey, today.

I do not know what is real beyond what I feel and seal away
in fey words and absurdities that freeze and tease the disease
of the middle path, the wrath of mediocrity. pretty but soulless.
give me the blood of your sorrow to wash tomorrow red, I said.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Shakespeare In Doubt

For those of you who would care (bound to be someone out there) I have been added to the list of official signatories of an online petition that challenges the authenticity of ascribing the works of William Shakespeare to William Shakespeare.

To see my official listing on the Shakespeare Authorship Coalition check here to find my name amidst academicians and such way more suited to have an opinion on the topic like noted actors Jeremy Irons and Michael York.

Not that I begrudge the fellow his due, I just agree with those who question whether there has been real scholarship that properly attributes just about anything of merit that was published in Elizabethan England to one man. I'd like to think there were a few more working poets and dramatists at the time.

getting back on track...

October 29th. That's getting on in the year and I'm behind on three or four major projects. Not good, not good at all.

So I am going to have to step it up a bit. A lot. A few orders of magnitude. A few magnitudes of magnitude.

The Radio City of Legends conversion seems to be doing nicely, although I am of mixed feelings about kept me from podcasting for a few weeks, so now I am feeling neglectful about that.

Behind on my edits to Tag...haveta work on that, and a gentleman from South Africa wanted some information on my VD and works, for an online publication he does, and I am behind with him.

And man, do I need a vacation.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Radio City of Legends: the schedule

So many people have expressed some confusion over exactly what is available on Radio City of Legends at that I thought I'd make it easy. Heh.

The current programming breaks down my schedule into 4 blocks. The blocks are scheduled for specific start time, EDT (eastern daylight time) and within a block a single piece or podcast may repeat, but here's the blocks with their contents:

01:00 AM, EDT: A random selection of my singles from my CDs

Skyscraper Ambition
Strange...but Beautiful
rivers of resurrection
Darfur (Jesus Wept)
Love Gods Multivox
Right Set of Lips
cut me
Damascus 3
the taste
bright and deadly
Falling and Fallen Angels
the warm wine
burning in this chosen sphere
the golden apples
thunder out of valhalla
I want the fire
Bragi to Freya on his deathbed

10:00 AM, EDT: Long Forms and Arcs

Beasts of Legend
The Naked Reads
Eros V
Rivers of Resurrection
Live at Kyrienar

12:00 Noon, EDT The City of Legends Mix

Strange...but Beautiful
Darfur (Jesus Wept)
the taste
bright and deadly
Damascus 3
I want the fire
Thunder Out of Valhalla
Rivers of Resurrection
Skyscraper ambition
the golden apples
the warm wine
Right Set of Lips
Love Gods Multivox
burning in this chosen sphere
Bragi to Freya on His Deathbed
cut me
Beasts of Legend
From Out of the City for February 16, 2007
From Out of the City for February 25, 2007
From Out of the City for March 11, 2007
From Out of the City for March 25, 2007
From Out of the City for April 1, 2007
From Out of the City for April 8, 2007
From Out of the City for April 15, 2007
From Out of the City for April 22, 2007
From Out of the City for April 29, 2007
From Out of the City for May 6, 2007
From Out of the City for May 13, 2007
From Out of the City for May 20, 2007
From Out of the City for June 9, 2007
From Out of the City for June 17, 2007
From Out of the City for July 1, 2007
From Out of the City for July 8, 2007
From Out of the City for August 12, 2007
From Out of the City for August 19, 2007
From Out of the City for September 2, 2007
From Out of the City for September 10, 2007

08:00 PM, EDT: Amomancer and Friends

The Amomancer Block (a complete walkthrough, hosted by the poet, of the new CD)
Beasts of Legend
Damascus 3
Darfur (Jesus Wept)
Falling and Fallen Angels
Love Gods Multivox
Right Set of Lips
Strange...but Beautiful
Thunder Out of Valhalla
The Naked Reads

Friday, October 26, 2007

more bartered secrets

Two more responses, both affirmatives.  One of the confessions actually made me a bit sad, but I understood it.

The other was something mildly shocking, but in sort of a comic-book way, as it was a long time ago and I saw what happened only from a vantage point that made it not directly effect me.

This has been a revealing, even troubling, experiment.  I have surprised myself at what I have been willing to reveal in exchange.

We are now up to eight responses...two to go.

the secrets project: update

The barter continues!

Three more responses:  Two of them declines.

That makes 6/10 have responded, 4 of them with a secret.  I see I have an email from a former muse responding to my request...I don't have time to open it right now, so it will have to wait a few hours.  This will make 7 of ten.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

the great secret barter, the first responses

Wow...response to my great secrets barter has been fast and furious. Three have already responded, all with affirmatives and secrets.

Two were things I suspected but had not confirmed, one was a complete shock, but something at my level of experience I can ride out (and it is fairly ancient of a secret). All were from people I have known for several years and have great and earnest affection for. Their secrets are safe with me.

All three received back two things from me: A secret (each got a different one), and my respect for trusting me with their darkness.

This is strangely comforting, to be trusted like this.

tell me a secret

I decided to try a little experiment in human nature, but with real emotional investment.

I am going to email or message 10 close associates or friends and offer them a barter, a quid pro quo.

I want them to tell me a secret. Something about themselves that they rarely, if ever, share with anyone. Those who respond appropriately, they will get an equal level secret from me about me (yes, I still have a few secrets left).

I won;t report who told me and who didn't. I won't confess the secrets I share here or anywhere else. I won't give away the secrets that I am given.

I just feel a bit...curious.

I'll let you know how it many I hear back from. Included in the list are three muses: one current, one recent and one from the past, in case you are interested.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ingots of lucidity

I can't disavow these words, but I can say they are of my preconscious mind and thus even I do not fully grasp what they mean.

ingots of lucidity

I dreamt of you, again, last night.
You've told me how that makes you feel,
knowing I choose my quantum bubbles of thought
caught from the ether with either hand
and branded with my desires. Fires
that snake like your eyes past my defenses,
where your beauty is the currency of passage,
but the message you carry is cryptic
and the frantic antics of other suitors
do nothing but muddy the waters
where the daughters of destiny bathe,
brave and bare and their hair
falling like the hearts of suitors rejected
for imperfections you saw, eventually,
and that I wear as a patchwork coat
to convince you of my earnestness
in a dream where you never even saw me walk by.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

California dreamin'

As December and my trip to the Golden State approaches I am slowly seeing momentum build for several readings, mostly in the schools. This is a good thing.

I like doing readings in schools. Not so much as I do, say, in women's prisons and rehab centers, but nonetheless, a good crowd.

There's always the one who wants to show me their stuff, because their mother told them they are a good writer. There's the girl in the front trying to pull a Sharon Stone. There's th two in the back who snicker at inside jokes based on their limited knowledge of the English language. The archetypes are staggering.

Plus, I get to have lunch with at least one former muse. And see my daughter and son-in-law. All in all a great trip.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

barefoot hearts

This just came to me, forgive the intimacy.

barefoot hearts

I have walked
on cold stone floors
unswept, unkept
able to feel the grains of dirt
beneath the soft but sturdy skin
on the soles of my feet

such is life
to experience life
it must be felt with bare skin
felt, tasted, smelt, probed
despite the dirt and cold stone
waiting for love
waiting for a lover
or walking to her

because that is what she deserves
a man not afraid to walk barefoot
on this life

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

Monday, October 22, 2007

morsels and mould

That line in "Horizon", it came to follow me around for a few hours the other day.

You know the line...that line. The line every muse has measured herself against, whether she knows it or not, since the 80's.

"But I, I shall live on these crusts stained with jelly, filling my belly with morsels and mould."

For the past decades, the question has been if I have been filling my emotional, spiritual and psychological belly with the barest minimum necessary to survive. If in hunger I have taken things into myself that are not nourishing, satisfying, to me.

Being thousands of miles from someone you really do have feelings just makes the hunger more real.

jigsaw people

something new, for someone special to me and precious.

jigsaw people

broken hearts heal imperfect
but stronger than before
we are jigsaw people
cut of experiences, for which we bled
from heart and thigh and head
that we may know the scent of evil
and walk, away, one day, to the gentle shore
where a lover lingers, with respect.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Busy, busy day

Busy, busy day.

E.J. finally convinced me to allow him to post the full lyrics to "bright and deadly" on his blog. You'll understand why there was tooth-pulling involved if you read them...intensely erotic and intimate.

I also made my first shift of programming at Radio City of Legends on Live365. Check out the new show where I do a full rundown on the new CD. It premieres tonight at 8 pm, EDT...that's 2 am in South Africa, 7 pm in Diamondhead, Mississippi and 5 pm in California.

Add to this some spasmodic writing fits...yardwork and essential work in advance of my one-poet invasion of California in December (no, Dan, I have not forgotten the book) and you can see why I am busy.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Radio coming into focus

Just wait...but not too long. This weekend I am reprogramming Radio City of Legends at Live 365, based on feedback from the listeners. New material, new formats. I will announce it all when it is uploaded.

Burn while the fire is consuming you, for the immolation is the consecration and purification that fights back the night.

Tomorrow is for the poets and those brave enough to inspire their desire.

a new poem: the priesthood of the passion

I was awakened by this, as it moved through me. And I saw it was good.

the priesthood of the passion

touching in ways I cannot comprehend my friend
let there never be an end, just an intensification.
a sensitization. a visitation to the presentation
of a sensation that blooms from the heart
to part parts of lovers now discovered
uncovered, merging urges purged in haste
when the taste of false gods called the odds
in empirical oracles of ordination of the ordinary.

this is a priesthood of the passions that fashion
themselves in honeysuckle and a flower I'd never known
except in dreams where you came to me, bare and brave
in flesh and fresh hopes and heavens I'd not visited
except in midnight memories of things that never were
but cure the stirring stab of loneliness unlike
licked and sticked unpicked petals that fell, wasted,
as we did, on battlefields of past pretense'd defenses.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

I live my life on a cliff, breathing the winds and staring into the abyss every second of every day. Not insane, but I gave myself over many years ago to the living of a life of earnest passion. It is lonely and lovely. But having lived in the grey, I have few regrets.

Friday, October 19, 2007

review of Amomancer: Nightblooming

The insanely talented Sage Sweetwater has filed her review of the new CD Amomancer: Nightblooming on Authorsden.

It is a very positive review, and if you are still on the fence about the new CD, I'd recommend you give it a read. She not only reviews the CD as a whole, but comments on each and every one of the tracks. For instance:

taste: I literally fell to my knees and cried when I listened to this selection. I wanted to hold my woman close, and I know her eyes are not closed to my thoughts - and she is something like music - and she is open to me.

cut me: Dripping in erotic sensuality, bled from a vampiric episode of lovemaking so very intense, it bleeds from the CD and penetrates the veins of the soul. The drums seduce the soul.

All in all an intensely satisfying review. If you are intrested in the CD, it can be picked up via or at the City of Legends Bookstore.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

word on the street

There is a rumour that the poet will be reliving his most bizarre nightmare this December, when he once again puts in an appearance for the students of Notre Dame High School in Salinas, California.

Those of you who have heard his tales, know of what I speak.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

WSMV gets it right

Yesterday I posted to this blog a statement of outrage at Nashville television station WSMV for posting as news a press release by webscammers

Today the article on their website has been taken down.

We live in a world where so much information surrounds us we don't know what to take at face value (I get so many forwarded news items every day that were disproved or discredited years ago...but people don't check their sources or the validity of what they see and hear, so often).

To their credit, the management at WSMV, when informed of their error, fixed the problem.  

Thanks, guys. Maybe I'll drop by your studios next time I am in town and do a reading.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a line from the ether

It is just a fragment that came to me like the muffled crack of a 2x4 upside the head:

Lumious creatures should not settle.

I am curious as to what shall grow from this kernel of truth.

Journalism not in the public interest: WSMV

It may seem a small matter to you, but seeing the website for Nashville TV station WSMV reprint as a news story a promotional press release from scam site blew me away.

Have we become so lazy in this day of spoon-fed news that supposed "news" sites are content to reprint anything that is offered as a way to fill space and add links?

No reputable writer in the world supports, which scams young and often untalented poets out of their cash by offering cash prizes in exchange for you submitting your works then buying copies of books including anything and everything submitted by others.

For decades they have been a well-known fraud perpetuated against gullible young writers, and to have a "news" organization just post their press release as news is shocking and insulting. What next? Manufacturing the news? (Oops, I spoke too soon, Fox...)

Someone needs to wise up these yokels to their responsibility to get it right and not serve as recruiters for confidence schemes.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Overwhelmed with Sorrows

The only way through the shadows is to pass through their heart.

Overwhelmed with Sorrows

I would rather die for my sins than live for a lie.
I have fallen and risen, I cannot deny:
I have been the wrong place when the moment was wrong.
I have stood in my silence for a season too long
and assumed I was doing the will of my fate
and have earned, by my actions, an innocent's hate.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

"An honest man cannot be the hero of his own memoir." - WFDV

Sunday, October 14, 2007

standing at my door

Last evening I had dinner with my old friend Anastacia, and the topic turned to my social life. I explained to her the complexities of it at this time, that I am between relationships, even though I am on some levels very committed to a lover-muse who is "in absentia" (once I explained the situation, she actually approved).

But then she asked me a curious and difficult question. If one of my past loves were to show on my doorstep this evening and say "Come with me and be with me for the rest of your life"...who would i say yes and who would I say no to?

With the caveat that reality plays perverse tricks on a man, here's the answers I gave to her:

Psyche: Yes.
Valkyrie: No. But we remain friends.
Panther: Hell, no! (Ana laughed at this response)
The Mad Gypsy: Yes.
The Angel: No.
The Wisp: Yes.
Black Jasmine: Yes.
The Goldenheart: Yes.
Suede: I would have as of a few months ago, but having seen her politics, no.
The Leopard: Not bloody likely.
Brigit: I grimaced and swore, then admitted I would probably, with counseling.
Pink Jade: Yes.
The Siren: Without a doubt.

The "No" votes are due to hard earned wisdom of either our severe incompatibility or a character flaw in them I cannot abide. It does not mean I do not love them, just that I don't want to create a bad situation, all around.

I politely declined to discuss what would happen if 2, or all, of them showed up at the same time. Just as well. And I note that, in its own way, the dream of the three panthers has come true in my life. Never trust a jungle cat with your heart. They feed, crap it out, then bury the waste to pretend they never fed at all and were never there.


How about a poetry fragment. This came to me s I was driving an errand this morning...had to pull over and jot it down...

play piano on a rainy afternoon
dance on the salty sands beneath a waxing moon
all these joys enjoy, they come and go too soon
love knows no season and no reason.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

No name for it yet..thanks to the Southern Star for inspiring it...

When the final poem comes I'll post it.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

this and that

I've put out a call to most, if not all, of the poets I know, looking for additional content for Radio City of Legends. If I somehow overlooked you and you are interested, drop me a line.

I will most likely be touring in California in December...if you are in the Golden State and have a venue, school or properly attended boudoir where I might read, you know where and how to find me. I'd like to mix a handful of readings into my social engagements. Or visa-versa.

I have been massively abusing the lucid dreaming of late...but it helps.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

this just in

The poet is a bit downcast today, so he will probably not be posting until later or even tomorrow.

shards of light

I had forgotten this wonderful piece of intensity and vision until just the other day, when I ran across it in a sweep through some of his catalog.

shards of light

severing the cord.
Like fallen flechettes of cracked amber
made manifest in the cleft of the rocks split
by the final thrust of a staff in the hands of a mad prophet.
The question is sanity or rage.
Love a mottled emotion made purer in the fury of a fire unkept
and swept beneath the ashes to linger in the insulation
of forgotten promises.
Words that escaped their cages when we looked the other way.
Words that dance like shards of light in a reality
where photons have mass.
And lovers dare to dream in a truth that makes a difference
in all that has a bitter sameness to it.
A nameless fear we unlock to walk to the horizon.
And jump.
Over the edge of the world.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

the virtue of proximity

We humans are an interesting lot; part dreamer, part realist. When someone starts pulling away you feel the change of tidal forces, if you know what to look for (as one friend recently said "You know the flavour of silence").

At a great enough barrier of time and space, the gravitation effect of Jupiter, or even the sun, is less than that of a brick (one of the reasons I am so bemused by astrology), as Carl Sagan so well said it, the obstetrician at your birth had more gravitational effect than all the planets in the heavens.

So, again, I find myself losing a muse's heart to one more advantageously located. I will mourn, in my own subtle and unsubtle ways, but I cannot curse or condemn her or even be angry at the reality, that is a waste of emotion (I get angry at deceit, not truth, and she was honest with coward she). At sufficient range there is nothing I can do to compete with the attraction of a nearby body, and I trust the wisdom and soul of her to choose well and place the trust of her heart well.

Anyway, (shaking off the sting) I have much to do today and much to announce, once all is in readiness. My labours are unceasing, even as the lame god still pounded his forge when Aphrodite was abroad in the world.

The temple stands, even in the absence of the goddess.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

anul nathrack...

Miss me?

I did.

I'm in the middle of a maelstrom (and not of the making of a neglectful lover...for once). But things are getting close to resolution.

Stand back.

Monday, October 08, 2007

I'm alive...don't nobody worry 'bout me

Don't worry...I am just busy trying to work out the last few legal and technical barriers to something could be manifest within the next 24 hours and I promise it will seem worth it.

Susan - Isn't the romance more fun with the mystery? Besides, I never put pressure on my muses to step from behind the veil. I made that mistake, once...she spent the next two years of her life basically denying we'd ever met as the pressure on her from those both favouring the relationship and opposed to it came out of the woodwork. I think the low point was when someone conducted an interview with her, which was posted online. She had moved on with her life. Later, she called me up and asked me to have the people who had posted the interview with her remove it from publication online! It seems her new boyfriend didn't like some of the things she'd said in the interview.

Yeah, I had to live the life, she wanted plausible deniability.

I have to admit, cowards get my dander up. I don't like painting people into corners, thus the use of totems. If Nightblooming or the Siren or the Leopard ever want to say "Never heard of the guy" they is always heart-wrenching when they do, but this is how people, some people, look at themselves in the mirror every morning, by lying to themselves about their pasts.

inspired by a woman

Guys, I want a bassline and rhythm tracs on this by Thursday.


I will take no pretender again to my bed
and you have slipped into my heart and my head
bringing me joy as you banish the dread
of loving again without question.

I have chosen to honor your heart with my thought
that I never imagined could be cornered or caught
but you ripped away shadows of demons I'd fought
in a time and a place of damnation.

I cry out to you and I pray that you hear
for all that I want is to make myself clear
and one day, God willing, to draw to you near.
my love, my breath, my redemption.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

being obtuse...

A lot of people have been wondering what I am up to.

Sorry, can't go into detail until it is completed...ideally sometime tomorrow EDT. And if that is the case then I will let you know in great detail.

Suffice it to say we will be taking the level of access to and enjoyment of my works to a new level, with equal access internationally to extended media access.

I can say no more.

While I am here, let me just blow a kiss to someone who I know, from time to time, checks my blog (even if she tries to fly below radar, for very valid reasons). You make me feel alive and to crave life.

stayin alive, stayin alive

Contrary to rumours and idle speculation, I am alive, engaged in life and sane. Nor am I angry at anyone, peckish, pouting or busy get a 24x7 full-body massage from some barely legal poetry groupie.

I am just busy with some rather astounding changes I am making in my universe, most of which will be apparent to any and all who keep their eyes and ears open.

Although, I have to admit, the massage would be nice right now. Women: Can't live without them, they are the best thing that inspires us, the best that God wrought. My life has been a tapestry of attempts to live up to being worthy of them in general and, in any season not held steadfast long enough (yet), one in specfic.

Friday, October 05, 2007

chasing the tale

There are those irritating moments when I wonder, having seen the patronizing way people talk to mentally handicapped people, if I am backwards and just no one has told me.  I wonder if I am being patronized by anyone and everyone who compliments my intellect, my writing or my insight.

Those are strange moments, but I think the time that I have spent, outside of a healthy and nurturing relationship, does warp my perception.  I feel the edges fray...slowly, as I have some conscious and preconscious control, but the erosion is there, like wet sandstone slowly crumbling back into the sea.

I am certain I am intelligent and talented, but what if I am just impaired so that I don't see the reality and people take pity on me and tell me I am smart and gifted because its the charitable thing to do.

Ah, the world of sentience and doubt.

letters I've written, never meaning to send

A long time ago. Yes, a very long time ago, as clock and calendars count. But my soul, my heart, knows no calendar or clock. I was very much in love with a young woman. I have been in love. Indeed, I can earnestly state that I have never fallen out of love. Out of favour, yes. Out of my mind, yes. Out of harm's way, certainly.

But this young woman and I debated the issue of intimacy and I was, hesitant for us to take the final step.

She quoted to me the lyrics of a song by Cat Stevens, "But I Might Die Tonight"...and that song, on contemplation, changed my view. Right or wrong, it was very liberating to me.

For those of you not familiar with this piece, the lyrics are from a young man who is being told to conform to those people around him and to do things the way they say to do them, the way they have always been done...

"I don't want to work away, doing just what they all say..."

I have never been opposed to hard work, often being accused of being a workaholic, but the final stanza struck me hard and set up a vibration that resonates with me to this day...

""Be wise, look ahead,
use your eyes," he said.
"Be straight, think right."
But I might die tonight!"

Things left unsaid and undone haunt any person of conscience or passion or purpose. Yes, I might die tonight without saying "I love you" to my child or my lover, even one thousands of miles away.

I might not jot down that phrase or poem that popped into my head just a moment ago, leaving unsaid the capstone of my career, my existence, as a writer.

Life was not created for cowardice.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

three new poems for a muse

Just written. I hope she likes them.

bring us to the feral

your eyes taunt me haunt me
and make me pray you want me
to do the things that no one else
should ever be allowed to do
for and with and to you
as you embrace my confession
and my expression
of passion unpacked
to bring us to the feral
where we connect, both flesh and heart,
until the line is blurred
and I am cured
of the melancholy of your distance
an insistence
by the gods of this brittle world
that immortality is the gift
that poets control and share
a communion of my essence
taken into you to fulfill
not just prophecy

the taste of your sweat

I want to know the taste of your sweat
kissed from shoulder and breast.
a sacrament for those who are blessed
with the vision to see the necessity
and the purpose of a word stronger than joy.

in silhouette against the sky

whisper to me your desires that I may fan the fires
and fulfill your needs with a heart that bleeds
only to sway you to the surrender to my affection
for my protection, I have danced the edge of the light,
making right the sinister ways and filled my days
with dreaming of you, in silhouette against the sky.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

late night reverie

It's not that "for the right set of lips I would die"...

it should be "for the right set of lips I would live".

There is an energy on the wind and a scent of rare flowers carried into my sphere. Am I fool to fall? Or is this that which makes me who and what I am?

We shall see.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I (heart)

I love Really I do. They are legally and officially designated a library, and serve as a point in space for an incredible volume of written and recorded files of everything from famous speeches to local garage band performances.

I have kept most of my recordings on for some time, where they provide a free haven for me to store my podcasts, recording and even a book.

Check them out sometime, even if just to gorge yourself on the banquet. Here's some of my favourites out there, worth a visit.
This is the fifteen minute music/poetry arc "Beasts of Legends/Beasts of Myth" that was on my CD "The Last Romantic Verb". Note the multiple formats available.
One of my most downloaded items, according to the counters at My Valentine's Day recording from 2006 of erotic poetry. Features the poems "As I Slide Into You" and "Lust Bunnies". Eleven and a half minutes.
Save the forty books, spendthrift, and download the entirey PDF file (including the cover as a separate download) of my massive volume "The Compleat Panther Cycles".

There's dozens more here, explore and enjoy.

hump day poem

It is a trifle, but I get so many requests for it, this is just to shut everyone up.

A Snowy Hill Named Wednesday

It is downhill from here.

Not like your 50th birthday
when you realize that the odds
of getting lucky on Spring Break
are pretty much astronomical.

But more like the snowy hill
you climbed (in those oversized boots
your Mother made you wear to stay dry)
so you could ride your sled.

All you have to do is hang on
and yell and scream in childish glee
as the cold air and snow rush past your face
and you feel that gratitude for living.

Laying in a heap at the bottom
a metaphor for Saturday morning
when you haven't yet gotten the gumption
to do the lawn or visit your Grandmother.

Then you extend the metaphor
and find yourself on Monday morning
dragging the sled behind you as you trudge
up the snowy hill to Wednesday, again.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

bruised petals as metaphor

It was pointed out to me the other day (and not for the first time) that many, many of the women I have been involved with have been on the mend from abuse. Whether they were rape victims or incest survivors, battered spouses or emotionally terrorized by dysfunctional parents, the odds are that, if I am in the room, they'll find me, we'll talk, and somewhere down the road, something will happen.

I think that is a gross generalization...I am sure that there are many, many women who have been in the same room with me and don't even remember me (and I am sure some of them came from abusive backgrounds).

Of course, there is a school of thought that suggests abuse is so prevalent in our society, it is next to impossible for a woman to reach maturity without having been through some sort of abuse, that all are needing the faith healer aspect of my personality, the poet who listens and allows one to vent out the pain. Just as a "cutter" often is doing it to take control of their emotional pain, so does a writer bleed their words to cleanse the wound and ready it for healing.

I am no holy man. No miracle worker. I am just someone who listens and cares. I have dealt with so many people who were molested, assaulted, beaten, threatened and coerced and I have offered them a safe haven. That this therapeutic aspect often blossoms into a relationship is not lost on me. I do not consider it codependent, although I do draw some healing of my own wounds (Yes, I have them) from the knowledge that I am helping someone out of a bad place, emotionally and spiritually.

Some come to me admitting their pain, some hint at it but never confirm it. Some deny it, for a time, then one day blurt out their story, a story I had long suspected as I know the scent of bruised petals.

Most abused people carry one or more of the following traits: Compartmentalization, aversion to examination, a need to take control.

Compartmentalization merely means you take aspects of your life and put them in specific compartments, often isolating them from those things you place in other compartments. These people wear one face by day, another by night. They keep secrets, they erect walls, sometimes walls that become their prisons instead of their protection, as often the walls are a reaction to damage already done.

Aversion to examination is just an attempt to keep people from getting too close, asking too many questions, looking too closely. They are afraid of being "found out". They can be explosive in temper if they feel you probing them for the reason behind their secretiveness.

The need to take control is very common in abused people, particularly rape and incest victims. The individual will try to take back the lost control in the past by acting out, sometimes self-destructively, in the present. You'll see them create a very controlled environment, but often in a strange and twisted manner. I have known more than one rape victim, for instance, who became extremely promiscuous, as they wanted to be in charge of their own sexuality, to take back the control.

The bottom line for me is that most women I have known close enough to be friends or lovers with are to some degree victims of a society, a culture, that thinks it is okay to abuse women, to treat them as things, not people. There are times it infuriates me like nothing else I can imagine.

Does this empathy, this compassion, sometimes lead me into relationships with women who are perhaps too damaged to sustain a healthy relationship? Perhaps. But to walk away from someone in such need of a kind voice, a considerate mind and a patient friend would be far worse.

Copyright © William F. DeVault | All Rights Reserved