Monday, November 19, 2007

Naked, Again. with a twist.

The recordings are finished, the engineering complete. I have but a few details to complete on the case design (nasty little control freak that I am) and I will be done with it: The new CD.

Originally called "Naked, Again" it has had a slight change in title, owing to a last minute decision:

The Goldenheart Cycles

That's right, boys and girls. This CD of "pure" reading is nothing more, nothing less and nothing else than my doing a very intense and heartfelt reading of the entirety of The Goldenheart Cycles. All of them. All 49 works. Including "Impalement", "Bare Feet on a Wooden Floor" and "Edward Bears His Soul".

I'lll have ordering information out later this week. Wow. What a weekend.


candy said...

Sounds exciting! The latest CD is outstanding. Not wanting to rush the experience, I have been listening to a few tracks a day for the past several days. Stirring. Beautiful. Powerful.

William F. DeVault said...

Thank you. Nice to see that someone, amongst the hundreds who swing by here every day, leaves a word or two.

I will be interested in your take on the individual tracks when you are done.

candy said...

Hey... I though I was 1 in a million :P

William F. DeVault said...

One in 9 billion, actually.

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