Thursday, November 29, 2007

checking in

Sorry for the absence, I have just been busy over the holidays: Scheduling my readings during my California trip, writing, falling in love, editing, recording, the usual.

What? You want more details...

on what?

Heh heh.


James D. Compton said...

Yes, William. I would LOVE more details.

William F. DeVault said...

Thanks, James, would LOVE to honor your request for more information.

I will be off the circuit the day of December 10th, as I spend the entire day at a high school I have an extensive personal history with (and a weird karma connection to) in Central California.

I won't give its name as I do not want stalkers. College level and professional readings (bookstores, coffeehouses, etc) are fine for the madness, but I don't much like it when schools are disrupted by fans. I'll spill all afterwards.

Thanks for asking.


Wait a minute! What about the falling in love part?! Do tell, William! NOW!

William F. DeVault said...

Sorry, Sweet Susan, but I have a strict anonymity clause for the angels who share my soul. They can opt to be public, but I never presume their identities to be mine to discuss.

This is due to the desire on the part of a few sad souls who would rather live a lie than admit a past that might be hard for their later relationships to embrace or understand.

Special exclusions have been made, but only by request and permission.


You are a gentleman, dear sir.

William F. DeVault said...

I thought we'd already established that, kind lady. :-)

How do you, as a woman, endure the riff raff the web seems to be overrun with?


I delete them! :)
That's the wonderful thing about the button and they are gone!

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