Thursday, November 01, 2007

as the curtain parts

The recent antics of an acquaintance brought to mind one of my favourite passages from The Bible, as stated by the Apostle Paul in his 1st letter to the Corinthians:

"When I was a child, 
I spake as a child, 
I understood as a child, 
I thought as a child: 
but when I became a man, 
I put away childish things."

Of course, I reserve the right to take these childish things out to play with from time to time.  I just don't forget that I am a man, most of the time.

The rap on me when I was young was that I was too serious.  But to those I pulled out of harm's way, intervening (sometimes unwelcome) to the rescue, most have come around to respecting the role I have played.  For everyone who takes umbrage at a thought or a word or a deed I have committed or failed to enact, I can just say I have tried hard and there are people alive today to credit me with their lives, their safety, their sanity.

Have I failed, more oft than I would like to have?  Of course.  But I am only mortal, and despite my doctor's words that it will take kryptonite to kill me, I am far from infallible or indestructible.

But.  I am content I have done, on the whole, great and purposeful things.

Now, for Act III to begin.  The lights dim and the curtains part.


Anonymous said...

Do you ever wonder why you have been given a gift so magnificant that it raises you beyond what most people care to even understand? The world is a a place of change and discovery but aren't we just revealing what people want to forget they all have the ability to see,touch,hear and taste for themselves? Gifts are for giving and receiving....And I receive everyday.....that makes me a giver of hope and encouragement. You Poet are complete too... Rock On !

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