Sunday, November 11, 2007

precognizant itinerary

In a perfect world, when I go on vacation next month, it would be to several cities and countries (you know who you are), but reality is a harsh mistress (and I prefer my mistresses soft and yielding).

As it is, my likely itinerary is to travel to Los Angeles on the 7th of December, spend time on Friday and Saturday and perhaps even Sunday with my daughter, Peri, and her husband, Brian. Then, probably Sunday or Monday, make a pilgrimage to the high desert to wander in the wilderness and reconnect.

From there I will possibly travel to the Salinas area. Or not. There is frail purpose luring me there and the cost-benefits analysis hinges on my telling some people I'd be there. So, as a matter of honor, I must go...but it will probably be a brief stop over, at most.

Then later in the week I will return to LA to visit some of my old haunts and see if I can get together with old friends, the returning to the East Coast probably on the 15th or 16th. Perhaps see my daughter again. We are not as close as we once were and I can;t seem to find the right actions or words to repair the damage.

But at least she isn't denying she ever heard of me.

Could things happen to screw all that up? Oh yeah. Man plans, God laughs and I adapt.


candy said...

Daughters can be full of unrealistic expectations about their fathers - who are only human after all. My suggestion is simply that you shouldn't try. Just be. Who you are is enough. And remember that daughters are only human too.

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