Friday, November 09, 2007

over-extended, part XXXVIII

I realize I am behind the curve on a zillion small (and some not-so-small) projects, not so much out of sloth as over-commitment.

So, I sat down this morning and made a list of what I need to accomplish over this weekend. It actually got a little depressing, but in a humourous manner.

Let's see what I can do on a list that includes:

Final edits Psalms of the Monster River Cult

Final engineering and packaging and release Naked Again

Finish putting together that box of DVDs for my nephew, Josh, who is serving in Iraq.

Yardwork. Lotsa yardwork.

Four chapters on any of my novels, ideally The Prince of Love or Mather's Milk. If Prince of Love, update the screenplay.

Block out 2-4 hours to just free-associate write...I have been shortchanging the creative side.

Advance the plans for my California vacation in December.


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