Sunday, November 18, 2007

planning the trip

I am currently evaluating venues to visit whilst back in LA...HOB is always a good place to drop by, even if there's not a name act that night. So they'll be my fallback position.

A review of current venue lists/calendars shows acts I love from Squirrel Nut Zippers to Velvet Revolver...but I will keep an open mind, perhaps Billy Vera is playing a gig that week in the isn't Los Angeles without Billy.

It will feel eerie without key friends around...many have moved away (you hear me, Larry?) and others have dropped off the radar (Dave? Dave? Dave?). Most of my old girlfriends are now married or vanished into the shadows. Sad.

There is a lot of speculation as to exactly what my real motives are for the visit, aside from seeing my daughter. Let's just say there is a multiplicity of motives, including the desire to "recover the scent".

I put my life aside many, many years ago, to take care of a friend who was in trouble, and that consumed my career, my fortune and my life for some time. Perhaps this is my Roy Hobbs visitation, looking to see if my lost years can be recaptured.


candy said...

I firmly believe that one can always imagine a different future.

I was only recently confronted with the concept of imagining a different past.

Isn't it a wonderful idea?

That's what your post reminds me of. Re-imagining the past. Capturing the lost years. Excavating them.

Ever-loving, filled with dreams, bright and brand new hopeful schemes. First to dim and then to flee, leaving me alone with me. Eventually a different game, the landscape never quite the same...

Good Lord! Don't know where that came from!

William F. DeVault said...

I'm contagious.

candy said...

...and modest (!)

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