Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ingots of lucidity

I can't disavow these words, but I can say they are of my preconscious mind and thus even I do not fully grasp what they mean.

ingots of lucidity

I dreamt of you, again, last night.
You've told me how that makes you feel,
knowing I choose my quantum bubbles of thought
caught from the ether with either hand
and branded with my desires. Fires
that snake like your eyes past my defenses,
where your beauty is the currency of passage,
but the message you carry is cryptic
and the frantic antics of other suitors
do nothing but muddy the waters
where the daughters of destiny bathe,
brave and bare and their hair
falling like the hearts of suitors rejected
for imperfections you saw, eventually,
and that I wear as a patchwork coat
to convince you of my earnestness
in a dream where you never even saw me walk by.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.


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