Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cleaning a house and building a new one

A few people may have noticed, indirectly, that I have been performing a house cleaning over the last few days (some beat the rush and bailed on their own). Not angry with anyone, or even disappointed, it is just that several people who were taking up a lot of my time started becoming too elusive on commitments and I have a very aggressive publication schedule for the coming year. I am mortal...hyperkinetic and perversely energetic, perhaps, with a great deal of stored charge from my last four years of monastic existence, but mortal enough to meet the textbook definitions.

In a not completely unrelated development, there will be the most major change to the official domain for my works, ever conceived and delivered since the founding of the 'City in 1996 and I will be addressing this change in the next several days. Prepare to have your mind blown.

I have made some major professional and personal commitments over the last week or two, and to accomplish these I will need the full fury of my mind and heart focused where I need them to be. I am organizing and reorganizing. I ask for your support in these changes and trust in the wisdom, intelligence and empathetic natures of my friends and readers as I take some pretty major steps.

By the way, watch the space for the first of a series of publication announcements in the next few days.

Love, peace and joy to you all. It is time for Atlas to rise to his feet and set the sky straight, once more.


Copyright © William F. DeVault | All Rights Reserved