Thursday, December 27, 2007

free eBook download

I could burble on for a while about my latest poems or about the woman I love, or even about politics or social change, but I think I'll keep it simple today.

In honor of the holidays I am reminding everyone about the free eBook download of my massive volume THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES, which is available at

The direct link to the page is The Compleat Panther Cycles at

There are two files, one is the cover, the other is the entire pdf of the book. Since the printed volume costs you as much as $40.00 at brick and mortar and online stores (and, at three pounds, can cost you seriously for shipping), I thought this was a nice gift to my readers, especially those wishing to not only read this novel length poetic memoir, but also see my annotations to the cycles, as I place then in context of what was driving them at the time they came on the scene.

Some have called the "p-cycles" the benchmark of the online poetry movement, others are just impressed with the range of works and themes (and some just snort and go off to write more haiku about their keyboard). In any case, regardless of how you feel about the affair that inspired them and the effect it had on so many lives, it is a monument of some note to the power of passion and madness, coeur rage and cowardice. Included in the 640+ works are such pieces as "Cassiopeia's Garden: wildflowers", "The Panther on the Beach", "pride of authorship" and "I dared to dream of nightblooming jasmine".

So, Happy Holidays, all.

If enough people grab this between now and New Years to impress me, I promise to make available my book "Invocato" via the same means and for free. So pass the word around: Big honking book, for free, for download.


Anastasia said...

..And beautiful holidays to you too, sir, and to the woman you love. Thank you for the poetry, it is quite marvellous and I shall enjoy it greatly as, I am sure, many will.

..Good day, sir.

William F. DeVault said...

Thank you, so very much.

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