Tuesday, December 11, 2007

California part IIII, the cafe blues

It is a bit frustrating not being able to access my email. The one cybercafe I found in Salinas, Rollick's, has their security set up such that I cannot access my email. WTF?

The counter help just shrugs when asked what can be done. As a result, I may have to seek out a less convenient location or wait until I get back to LA, as I have full access to everything at Planet Cyber on Topanga Canyon, where they use a different Cafe software package (from TinaSoft).

Rollick's uses something called SmartLaunch, but I think it is more an issue of my using a paid guest account, where their security settings are more strict. I will see about a membership.

Considered contacting some more local friends last night, even at least one new one, but the lack of email was a hindrance.


Anonymous said...

What did we do before the internet? Life goes on, we either show up and claim it or we struggle with trying to make it fit our expectations of what we think that other's may seek or want to know of who we really are!Cut loose and be free...,,,Someone wants to know that man.....and I bet her name starts with a P!

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