Thursday, February 09, 2006

the erotic track is complete


thanks to all the suggestions I got from friends and former lovers.

a special thanks to the Selke, whose breathy background vocals really set it all off. you've getting a promotion, or at least that weekend in a hotel I promised you a long time ago.

is it perfect? no. but perfection is a path, not a goal. and it should never be a gaol (you'll figure it out, if you're literate and smarter...think Oscar Wilde. let me guess, they don't teach him in American schools anymore...ah, sorry, I can't think of any relevent Kelly Clarkson lyrics, you're out of luck. read a book, schmucks.)

but it is a few orders of magnitude better than the previous edition.

I may leak it to a few friends (and volunteers) who want to see what lurks beneath the surface (or, rather, the covers)

do I see a show of hands?


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