Wednesday, February 15, 2006

book updates's the latest dirt on my next two books.

May 2006
Approximately 500 pages (just slighty under the thickness of THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES) but with approximately 800 works. Around here we've nicknamed it "the story, so far". It is not a bio, it is poetry. But poetry that reflects and expresses who I am, what I have experienced, and the extraordinary people I have intersected with in my life. E.J. calls it "The Gospel According to Saint William"...I am not sure if that suits me, or the book, but so be it.

August 2006
The bookend to 2002's 101 GREAT LOVE POEMS. 101 poems. Take no prisoners. I may get burned at the stake for even contemplating this volume,'s my legacy, get out of my way.

There is also an unsubstantiated rumour that I will be editing an anthology of several poetic friends. No comment.

I wrote something today, so pure it was like oxygen, a toxin at too high a concentration. I threw it away. It will return, in more subtle form, to make its way into my wordsphere.


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