Friday, February 10, 2006

a love god, remembering his faith

I guess some people were wating for the Valentine's Day the time I got up this morning, after having announced the shows were up last night, I already had an explosion of hits on my site equivalent to the initial boom I got for New Years' Day.


I also did my usual next morning revisions, looking for typos and swapping out the longer files initially works with for the derived 64kb mp3's that are about 40% as long as the 160kb files we start with...for people with slower connections it is good, those with a greater desire for purity can go visit for the full fan of file lengths and types.

I see Affleck and Damon are re-uniting in a film. Good for them, and their box office. Actually, I thought of them yesterday, only because when Maggie asked who I'd like to play me in the movie version of my life, Damon was one of the names I thought of. My first choice remains Fiennes (Ralph, not Joseph) as he has the gravitas, the sincerity, the intelligence and the ability to project barely restrained madness I think of as the model for, if not how I am, at least how I'd like to be perceived. Actually, it would be better for someone else to cast my caution that "an honest man cannot be the hero of his own memoir" rings especially true for casting.

Two more days to the finish line. There will be no trophy, no headlines and no celebration, but a sense of accomplishment on my part and the ability to burn the sack cloth, rinse off the ashes and shake the dust from my feet. Regardless of assumptions, lies and misperceptions, I've proven my point, at least, to me. I am my own phoenix, my own panther, my own man.

I have paid my penance.


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