Saturday, May 14, 2005

What a curious and extraordinary day this is turning into

Slow start, big finish, I guess.

I stumbled across Joey's number. Thought I'd lost it months ago, and since I had changed cell phones, figured it might be aeons before the next time I encountered him. But, I found the number and gave him a call.

Joey was student/project of mine when I was a counselor at Sunrise House in Salinas, Californiam and the Alcohol/Drug Resource Specialist for Harden Middle School. A bit hyper and definitely too smart for his own good, he had been labelled as a "psychotic" by a principal or vice principal in grade school, so they were waiting for himw hen he hit middle school. He reminded me of what Mark Twain said about Tom Sawyer, that he would either grow up to be President...or hung.

He's getting by, still has to deal with the whole labelling thing. If he sneezes wrong, they come for him and accuse him of doing God knows what....bummer, but he'll adapt and advance himself.

Gotta go for's all good...but will write more later or in the morning.


Ms. Adams said...

Hello, Sir William aka His Sexiness. ;-) Welcome to the neighborhood.

Confessions of A Jersey Goddess

Ms. Adams said...

BTW, The profiles don't always update. My recent posts showing on my profile are way off. You have to click the actual blogs to see recent posts.

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