Tuesday, May 10, 2005

a few words about a few pieces

I was looking through the stats on my website counter and noticed that two of the most popular works are not romantic.

stop that, people, you'll wreck my reputation.

the two in question are "words upon the death of a friend" and "glass roses".

"glass roses" has a slightly romantic tilt and lilt to it, but was actually written as a statement of hope during an online conversation with my old friend and former editor Janet Innes. we were both going through some rough times at the time, and despite the number of seeming mortal blows to the heart I've taken, I always seem to get back up (durable or stupid? who knows?)

"words upon the death of a friend" was written for the memorial service of an old childhood friend who died serveral years ago of AIDS. He was brave to the end and kept his sense of humour. when I read it at his service, I'm not sure what people thought of the work, as in churches people generally can't applaud. of the three people I attended the service with, two have since died. afterwards I took them all out for pizza and even let them order beer on my tab (something I would never have normally done) but Milt was a huge fan of the brew and it seemed suitable. He had asked me to write something about when when he was gone, and in this piece I think I fulfilled that charge.

Just thinking, that's all...


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