Sunday, May 15, 2005

media pages and the necessity of self-promotion

I've spent some time today working on what a friend in the PR business suggested I do...create a page just for the media...a site that won't be accessible through normal links, but I can reference to print and broadcast (and web) media so they can get all the background they need or want.

It's tough...I'm not comfortable with self promotion. Always afraid of overstating something (or, as happened in one case, reporting exactly what I was told only to have the source later disavow their statement...) So, I will err on the side of caution (not a virtue in PR, but it saves you from humiliation).

The South is still silent. I can't help but worry...our last exchanges were fretful from her side. But, nothing I can do. When the Genji is ordered into his bottle, he has to remain there. Rules of the game, you know.

Just picked up some more freelance editing work to do. Oh happy day...callooh! callay! (Hey, it isn't great fun, but I can do it well and simply and make money on it, so I ain't bitchin.)

Looking forward to the new week and renewed contacts with some of my favourite people.

I've had a productive and enjoyable weekend. I need more of these before the storm breaks in June...because once things start happening, quiet moments will be a rare, fair commodity.


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