Saturday, May 07, 2005

awake at 4:15am

Well, that sucks. That means I'll eaither be too tired for SNL tonight, or will need a nap...

Had nice notes from a model I'm talking to regarding using her image on the cover of "The Complete Panther Cycles". She captures the edginess and sensuality of the Panther...not just the actual Panther, who was pretty fantastic in her own right, but also the more abstract, pedestal-zone version. She seems excited by the project. Her portfolio is immense and edgy and shows a dedication to working that I hadn't encountered much in my exposure to models.

Still mildly cranked off over the whole poetry-on-request bs from yesterday. In a talk with some friends yesterday I compared it to being a walk into a place where smoking has not been forbidden, where you are comfortable being who you are (a poet, not a pervert) and the management says you can't smoke there anymore. They have the right to set the rules, I have no problem with that...but you aren't going back there, as that would mean denying yourself something that is part of you. There are many places where the mere act of creative expression is not grounds for a rap on the knuckles...regardless of what the real background is (two people I discussed the matter with suggested alternate politicalities that might be part of the whole pastiche) I would no longer feel at home.

That someone would feel more threatened by my writing poetry than a room full of drunks is baffling, but I guess the establishment in question doesn't make money off of my poetry, they do make money selling alcohol.

I know what Larry Jaffe would say to this all...and he'd be right. But, having demonstrated my Quixotic streak, I am still going to stick around here for a while...maybe a little walking into the wind is just what I need.

Mac and I are going to do a little guerilla poetry in Fairmont later today...I could use the outlet.


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