Monday, May 09, 2005

a quiet day

Yes, quiet more or less.

Got a lot of work done on the annotations ot the P'cycles...
finished my review for the classes I'm teachning tonight and tomorrow...
sent off the books to LB and Jillian...
helped Dad and Mom get oriented for tonight's birthday dinner for Marla...(I'm giving her one of the eight billion toy bats someone gave me. they had this strange notion that everyone collects something in an animal, and they kept sending me stuffed bats and children's books about I still have a load...kind of a shame they decided to send those on and either store or destroy so many of my personal effects I'd managed to keep for decades...I guess people have their own priorities)

am looking forward to kicking back tonight after "24" and doing some more work on the books. "Morgantown..." is no longer as much fun as I had hoped...the continued isolation here makes it seem kind of silly for me to sing its praises (not that it is my first exceedingly one-sided relationship)...

still ticked at my host, Interland, over the down time last night...when I noticed it last night, I had to sit on hold for twenty minutes until I got hold of a woman who informed me that they would be posting a notice about the problem momentarily...I told her than even their support site was down, so it seemed unlikely that anyone would see the notice...I just hope I lost no mail.

the spammers have riled me to no end...the other day I tried to send a thank you note to a city offical and it was bounced as seems the isp for many of the local government organizations as "" which interland uses to provide email for their customers, as a blacklisted spammer...


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