Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Runaway Bride Case and the Trivialization of the Law

It's nice to know in a country where millions live in fear and we are supposedly under a constant threat of terrosism, as well as the usual death, rape and drugs stats, that your and my tax dollars can still be used for something that will help my children sleep better at night: Prosecuting a runaway bride.

Yes, the DA down in Gwinnett County, Georgia, has gotten an indictment against Jennifer Wilbanks. Good to know in a country where 10 year old girls are trading sexual favours for Meth Ice, one in three American women can expected to be raped at some point in her life, nearly twenty thousand will die this year in alcohol and marijuana related traffic accidents and an entire generation is growing up convinced that it's okay to attack a sovreign nation (as long as it is us doing the attacking, not someone else) we can still spend millions of dollars of our tax money giving British Tabloid Billionaire Rupert Murdoch more trash TV stories to obscure anything of real consequence for the couch potatoes who still get to vote, no matter who anesthetized to the truth they become.

They won't get a conviction, they're wasting their time, our money and just giving media more marshmallow to push the meat off the front pages and openings of whatever ratings-over-reality TV network you watch.

They should indict the prosecutor's office in Gwinnett County, Georgia, for abuse of privilege, wasting public monies and just plain stupidity (is that illegal, yet?)


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