Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It's a Roy Batty day in the neighborhood

One of the joys of living an interesting life is reflection, reviewing snapshots of your life for lessons and to recapture moments.

The danger with that are those "Roy Batty moments" (named for the Rutget Hauer character in "Blade Runner", who does such a marvelous soliloquy on his way out) when you are thinking about, not what has been, but what must yet come...this morniing was one of those. Just stretched out in bed, the silence of the pre-dawn world upon me, the shadows my only witness. I don't get depressed, in the clinical sense, but I do allow myself moments of despair, I think it is healthy to allow them their run...keeps the emotional wheels balanced and gives you a secondary emotional lift. A dear old friend of mine used to say that tempered sadness is the springboard to ecstasy. Harrumph.

Started on a new sequence of poems last night...that's a good sign. Was online, talking to a friend. And there came that subtle tapping at the back of my skull. Well, okay, not so subtle. The goblins in my attic had found a cache of pickaxes I'd left in a side room and were busy hacking their way into my awareness...hey, they work fast and efficiently - of course, they've had enough practice.

It all seemed to rotate around my old piece "waiting for the worms" but now that has become "waiting for the wyrm"...homonymous, but very different. Should be an interesting set of works, once they are done. California calls more loudly every day, but I have set stones to my corners and will linger here at least for a time.

I see the government is demanding that Newsweek take heroic efforts to correct a news story with a "factual error" (they just didn't do their background research well enough...we know our government would never make that mistake) that has caused violence resulting in about twenty dead overseas. When is the government going to correct their "factual errors" that have so far resulted in thousands of Americans dead and tens or hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals killed? This administration has jumped the shark, pissed in the tank and tried to accuse the shark of polluting the waters. I believe they believe they are doing right, but sincerity is the cornerstone of all great human follies.

Some good will come of it all, but that's like arguing that Israelis should be thankful for the Holocaust, as it was the aftermath of that which compelled the world to help them set up Israel. Some good comes of all evil. It is the arogance and the intent that still pollutes. Saying our children are safer because of "Meghan's law" doesn't mean we should be thankful to the man who destroyed that young life, as in the end his evil bore some good.

Shutting up for now...


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