Monday, May 30, 2005


Today is Memorial Day...a day fundamentally given to remembering our war dead, although I know many who expand it to all veterans who have died, all veterans or all dead, period.

It is to the memories of these men and women we solemnly dedicate this day, both as a reminder of them and a reminder to us to never place those willing to make such a sacrifice in harms' way for foolish or vain reasons. It dishonors them and it makes of us a less worthy people.

I'll be heading back to Morgantown today, sore all over, a bit redder of complexion...and my eyes (actually the skin around the eyes) are mildly swollen, probably due a combination of the suburn and some pollen I've encountered...I look my age today.

Mari Laureano, my friend, and quite clearly one of the best poets of pure feral eroticism out there, has been one of the first to place a "Pantherization" banner on their site. I have to start the link page today when I get back...going to be a long day. Lots to do after the drive (3-4 hours depending on traffic).

Barring any real impediment, I will go to the AEI's booklaunch reception and press conference. I have been quick to volunteer my services for them in the past, and I think they should have as many of the fabulous fifty as possible there.

Even though it is still 14 months away, I am very excited at the prospect of Peri and Brian's wedding next year. I hope to be able to help out in some way. They deserve the best possible launch.


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