Monday, May 23, 2005

it worked!

Just had a successful audioblogger can hear it below...or, if you take this as an RSS feed, you'll have to go to to hear is of "the Unicorns" which was composed in 1973 and has become one of my best known works, certainly.

It's a bit of a reflection on the loss of innocence, how we all crave that, while still wishing the unicorns would remain, that we could be on both sides of the great divide between childhood and adulthood, between the innocent and the sensual. One editor once told me that Shakespeare would envy the smoothness of the meter...not being a huge fan of Willy, myself, I still took that as a compliment, as he was a master craftsman.

Gotta go grab a shower before I go give make-up finals at MTEC. And...the season finale of "24" is tonight (I've already read the spoilers at but I still want to watch it)...arguably one of the best acted, written and directed shows on television (certainly one of the three best on network broadcast television, and to my tastes the ten best shows right now on televison are: Rescue Me, The Shield, Nip/Tuck, 24, The West Wing, Lost, The Sopranos, Deadwood, The Daily Show and Six Feet Under). Although I love reality shows like Survivor and Project Greenlight, I don't put them in the same bucket.

Pretty damn good company.


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