Tuesday, August 02, 2005

top ten weird facts about the poet

As I work on all my little projects in the darkness, I am often privy to all sorts of strange things about William F. DeVault and his universe.

Here, stealing from his own concept of Top Ten Lists (which he stole from a certain Mr. David Letterman of Indiana) is my compilation of the Top Ten Truly Bizarre Things About the Poet

10. He has survived gangrene (they said he'd be dead in 48 hours).
9. He says has never fallen out of love. Talk about baggage.
8. His favorite movie of all time is "All That Jazz" - his second favorite is "Apocalypse Now".
7. He despises the taste of vinegar.
6. He attributes much of his vocabulary to reading Marvel comics books in his youth, and was once given a try-out as a writer at Marvel comics by none other than Stan Lee.
5. He has one testicle (see #10).
4. His favorite musician is David Bowie.
3. He has thrice survived 105-degree fevers. (See #10) Tough sonuvabitch to kill, hm?.
2. At age 14 he wrote a position paper of the moral and theological aspects of cloning that was requested by the Southern Baptist Convention to help in establishing its position on that topic.

and the #1 truly weird thing about the poet?

1. Once wrote over 100 poems in a single sitting.

I know this isn't particularly funny, but I'm not a great comedy writer.

I know he's already turned in for the evening...by the time he sees this tomorrow...you all will have already read it and it will be too late! Heh!


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