Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Bulldozers are at Work on My City

Rough night...I had taken a brief nap in the afternoon and was not ready for bed when night came.

Began the physical set up for the new computer...I already have plans for it. I see where E.J. has already started the urban renewal in the City of Legends. Good for him. But, since he started it, he better finish phase one, at least, in a day or two. I hate incomplete things being visible...

Phase One is the connection and re-connection to the body of works I want available.
Phase Two is the reformatting of most of the individual poetry pages to the rose layout.
Phase Three is a paring down of the front page.

It was heart-wrenching watching and reading dispatches from Southern Mississippi, I know so many of those places that are now waterlogged kindling. I have decided to step back and not worry so much about loved ones down there (yes, loved ones, I try not to let other people's limits limit me).

Ah well.

Got a note from Karla about my comments of her having dumped me for Tomas. In actuality, she is right, she did reject me before taking up with him...but there's always that grey area between relationships when there's always a hope (however slim) of a negotiated settlement (I was open to moving, it just never got that far in the discussions) and his entry into the picture (plus the obvious fact that he is more her physical type, plus this blonde person's mad charge into my life, all happening at once) at that time always made it a mixed media collage. I'm not angry or unhappy at either of them, I think he's a damn decent poet (as is she) and I've never been one to tell someone they have to choose me or be a bad person (my issues with certain past lovers, believe it or not, have little or nothing to do with their philandering). I have naught but fond memories of my Mad Gypsy. Actually, fond is not the exact right word, but this is a family blog. :-)

Well, off to the salt mines.


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