Monday, August 29, 2005

Katrina and the waves reunion tour?

Let's face it, the 70's pop rock band should reunite to tour with the name now so prominent!

Hold an all-star concert for disaster relief maybe? C'mon, I couldn't be the first person to think of this...

Anyway, I am still worn to a nub worrying about those I care about down there (I'd worry about everyone, but I'm not sure my stomache lining would last more than a few nanoseconds if I was that much the Mother Hen). I haven't felt this much stress in years. Probably when the counselor who was working with Ann told me there was nothing more to be done but prepare for a funeral.

I don't like being told I'm powerless. It amps me up, adrenaline at 250% as I look for a solution.

Spent a pleasant evening with a friend last night, talking about everything and nothing, just staying distracted (and she is distracting, I assure you). There was nothing on TV, so I tossed and turned for a while before forcing myself to shutdown.

Got a note from the guy Karla dumped me for, praising the blog...that was nice (he even said she'd pointed it out to him, which means she's seen it). She's one of the old guard who is still around in the periphery, I hear from her every so often (of course, she is one of those who voted for Ann, so I should NOT take her advice on women.)

On that topic, while I'm on it...let me see, who expressed an opinion back when?

In Favour of Ann: Peri, Karla, my Mom, Claibie.
Opposed to Ann: Anastacia, Sandy, Dar, Alisha.

Most of my male friends backed Ann, but out of a sense of vicariously living through me (guys will be guys) at least now I know who to listen to next time (will there be a next time? Barring a large asteroid getting past Bruce Willis and Robert Duvall to end life as we know it on this planet before I decide the time is right to re-engage, bet on it. In fact, someone should start laying bets on it at a betting parlour. Put me down for twenty on "Yes, 10-15 years younger, disaster"...and I'll get back up after that mess, as well.)

Although it would be nice to lose at least part of that bet (the disaster). My friend Scott says I shouldn't rule out even younger women, seeing as Morgantown has a substantial student body due to WVU. I don't think a 22 year old is off limits, but the cultural and maturity gap is huge at that distance...I grew tired of educating Ann...a women that young would have to be something superhuman to earn my affections, and most who go to WVU are just here for a beer buzz. But, I'll keep my options open...for now. We'll see what uncorks as the AEI and TCPC juggernauts penetrate more of the local subculture. Maybe a nice graduate lit major who actually understands something more complex than Stuart Woods (nothing against the guy, but Tom Clancy and I went a few round years back over the difference between literature and mass-market fiction).

Mary Tomasky, the only creative writing teaching I ever had, called my mom the other day to thank me for the essay about her in the "Art&Soul" book, she'd heard comments about it at a retired teachers' get-together. That felt good. Maybe this year I'll actually get an invite to speak to a school class (no, Robert, I am not scouting high school prom dates)...last year I was shut out...which was sooooooo stupid. In California and even Mississippi, all I have to do is say I have an open date and I get book to speak or though I'm a home town kid who made good.

Going to go now and watch the Hurricane coverage...the song "Walking on Sunshine" (by Katrina and the Waves) is stuck in my head now.


Anonymous said...

Aw, William,
Mid-Life crisis strikes again.
This is a subject I am familiar with, having just lost lost a husband of three decades to one of these younger women. (A scant 6 years older than our doughter)
Turns out, losing him was quite uplifting, and a blessing in disguise.
If it works for you, makes you feel younger, I guess that's great.
For a while, that is. You have already pointed out a few of the problems, at least from your side of the relationship. There are some others that could prove to be disatrous for the union from the young woman's point of view as well. Health concerns, loss of some sexual function, issues with "father figure" to name a few.

Good Luck and happy hunting


William F. DeVault said...

I agree with you on all points, except the mid-life crisis. I never said I am looking for a younger woman, I am saying that a friend (who is, himself, in his twenties) has told me I should not rule it out.

Having been burned by the age gap before, I am dubious, but I also recognize that Morgantown has a remarkably slim dating pool if you rule out the transient student population.

And yes, if an extraordinarily brilliant woman in her twenties made her case, I would listen. I would also listen to a woman my own age (or older) who made her case.

I don't want to be a father figure, especially considering the fathers of most of the women I have been with over the years (usually already dead, or derelict, or addicts or or child molestors, none of those titles I am interested in).

Don't presume a "girl" is my target, that is something I would approach with extreme trepidation.

As to health issues, etc...I'd be willing to bet that I'd outlast anyone, in bed or to the tombstone.

Boredom is another issue, altogether...someone would have to have a hell of a lot on the ball to impress me...I'm the kind of a guy who'd take a well-traveled, self-actualized, confident lady over a party girl anyday (given a choice between, say, a JoBeth Williams and a Tara Reid, the choice would be laughably simple...but such choices are not the ones we are usally called upon to make...)

Anonymous said...

Alright then, Smile I now understand. Forgive my barbed tongue, your post struck a nerve, as you can tell. I will sheath my claws once more.
I have been through an awful lot this year, and it colours my opinions. I am taking a critical thinking class at IUN, and this may well broaden my horizons, and change my perspective of the world.
I am sorry I made you defend yourself this way, but putting out personal thoughts, and laying out one's life for all to peruse does invite this.

William F. DeVault said...

No offense, whatsoever, taken.

I have come to recognize that my style of speech and writing often makes massive assumptions as to my tone and demeanor being known (amen) and often results in people getting totally different messages than I am trying to communicate.

Dr. McCroskey allowed for this in his interpersonal communications dynamics model, where feedback is important for determining what message is being received, as the message is in the receiver, not the sender.

See, Doc...I did stay awake during your classes at WVU, all those aeons ago.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to bust your chops twice on one blog post, dear William, but I dumped you for no one :) The physical distance from California to Alabama dwarfed the other hurdles that separated us...finanacial, spiritual and committments I had to my very young children in the throws of a divorce. I was restrained by my own problems and complications ... never by yours :)

The Mad Gypsy

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