Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Reality Show Concept: American Cyrano

Actually, that (American Cyrano) was my name on a few dating boards (there was irony in that, as before I put myself on, I was ghost writing other peoples' love letters and profiles...I can be such a floozy when need be.) It's a clever merging of Cyrano's name with the title to "American Gigolo".

The idea for the reality show is something I've been tooling around with for some time, and the cancellation of cartoonist Chris Sperandio to be one of the guest speakers at Arts Week to be on a reality show made me think of the final stage. If you are someone who can make it happen...drop me a line.

A group of poets are assembled and placed in house 1. Let's say twelve poets.

In house 2 you place a single woman (I have other variations involving a group of women, and another with several women and one poet).

She interacts with other people, staff, etc...maybe even some trojan bachelors. All the while the poets are to compose works to her, seeking to sweep her off her feet. They are presented to her through the trojan bachelors, and she selects who moves on to the next round (the losing poet and trojan are eliminated). After the final compositions are unveiled and chosen, then the poet who won is revealed.

Now, variation II: Eleven poets. Twelve women. The woman (or women) who do not receive a poem are eliminated. They know they are being watched and written of, so they are encouraaged to express who they are, creatively, through contacts with other sin the house, through their activities. The y do not directly interact with the poets, although some intermediate awards may include a brief phone call or hand-written note...

Finally, variation three: One poet, who must write about the house full of women. A panel of judges review his works and based on the romantic and literary quality of the works, votes one of the women off each show. The women go through normal reality show activity, competitions, outings, etc...without meeting the poet.

The one with the trojan bachelors intrigues me, as his name could be "Chris" and he could be a professional actor whose job it is to interpret the works...at the final unveil, the young woman who wins has to choose between her Cyrano or her Christian. A pretty face or the man whose words melted her hearts (and, as in most reality shows, most likely her panties).

I know it's not "Survivor"...but in some ways I think it is as watchable as most reality shows, and certainly better than many.

Oh, word has just reached me that country musician Chester Lester will be unable to do his presentation tonight at the Morgantown Visitors and Convention Bureau...that means the Appalachian Education Initiative speakers are down to 2...myself (tomorrow) and Michael K. Paxton (Thursday). Oh great, more pressure...instead of carrying one fourth of the sky, I must carry half, and be the first bearer at that (and to think, they initally denied me this date for my reading (my birthday) which is now available).

Heard from my son, Elric this morning...but not about my birthday (he'll remember as the day goes on, I am reminded of the Muslim parable of the Sultan and the Devil)...

No new birthday wishes at this time. Going for my walk...I have to live another half-century, I better get in shape.


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