Sunday, August 21, 2005

AuthorsDen and the next project...

Left a brief piece on AuthorsDen about my experiences blogging...

if you are a writer and just want a place to hang your spurs, it's a good site...fairly inexpensive and with good people. Nice features, and I usually keep about 100 works on there...

even if you don't write, but want to read some stuff by some up and coming scribes.

gotta go visit Robrt, he's still in the hospital (Ruby at WVU) but is due out in a day or two.

Doodled the cover design for the next book today, in my spare time. And you thought TCPC was ambitious. I thought I heard a faint shudder from the heavens when I set the parameters for this volume. This is the Apollo program to the Wright flyer.

T-minus just under seven months. be afraid. be very, very afraid.


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