Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Searching in the City and a Kegger of Contempt

There's always a little thrill at seeing someone use the search function at the City of Legends website, especially when they use it to look for something few would know.

Last year, for instance, someone searched the site using Psyche's real name. Someone who must've known who she was...alas, to avoid any possible litigation from cowardly, snooty or ungrateful muses, I rarely use full names. So, they may have gone away, empty handed.

Someday I may just post a page on the site with just names. Names of people I have known as friends and lovers and inspiration, and then wait for the howling. A few years ago EJ asked me for such a list, and he posted it...within days a friend whom I had expressed gratitude to for her helping me adjust to Los Angeles when I first moved there angrily emailed him and demanded her name be removed.

I thought people liked to be thanked for their kindnesses...maybe there are still a few things I don't know about people.

The other day someone used the search for a poem title. An obscure work of mine, dedicated to one of my muses. I 'd like to believe it was her, checking on her legacy. I'd like to think so, but I will never know unless she comes forward.

I'm getting some heat over my words about drinking at West Virginia University. Guess what? I'm not backing down. I've had to counsel too many people who have screwed up their lives that way to have any sympathy for those who claim the rights to criminal conduct. yes, criminal conduct. Vandalism, supplying alcohol to underage kids, arson, date rape, assault, DUI: none of these are particularly mature or desirable conduct.

So, again, bite me.


Anonymous said...

Don't post names. Post a collage of faces.

Perhaps your favorite image of every one?

Names matter not - they've got other names you best remember them by, I'm sure.

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