Wednesday, August 03, 2005

the horse latitudes

Not much to report right now...did some writing last night, but we are definitely now in the reportable news horse latitudes (I always want to spell that with a double consonant, like "lassitude") between the release of THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES and my talk at Arts Week.

Mark about has me convinced to get a mid-range Mac Mini...if I do so, I will take my old iMac 333 and give it to the boys. It will still be better than anything else they have. I'll have to think of a worthy name for the new computer...probably something mythological that I haven't already abused to death in my poetry...currently pondering something Norse.

I have been focusing on the books, the talk and the tour so much that I am writing just sporadically for the nonce, I suppose the lesson I learned in doing the three books back to back (3 books in 100 days!) is that doing too many things at once steps on the publicity cycle for any one of them. INVOCATO and THE MORGANTOWN SUITE POEMS have both suffered due to this.

I will set up in the next few weeks my schedule for specific donations of the new book to libraries.

Hold it, something new for you all out there:
the regency of unfaded love

I thought I heard your voice today:
soft, reassuring, pure in my knowledge of your essence.
But it was just a trick of the wind
and beings of the gloaming sphere mocking your presence
in my heart, where your throne is safe,
despite all the armies of doubt and discontent, sent
from foreign lands and rivals
still in angry awe of your rule, beautiful yet, and regent.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.
In re, EJ's posts: The great Lily Langtry learned an important lesson from Oscar Wilde...don't comment. Ronald Reagan perfected this art during his time as President (yes, it is a disingenuous tactic, but done with a smile and an actor's self-assurance he comes across as almost enduring). Draw your own conclusions


Copyright © William F. DeVault | All Rights Reserved