Monday, August 01, 2005

too many passwords

as many places on the web, at work and on my home systems as require passwords, I have too many...

not according to security experts, who tell me I should have a different password for each location (although I have played with the notion of using a "context key" password, where you pick a short word or number, then prefix it with the place you use its name or abbreviation. an examply might be to use "1234" as a password, then context key it so that for eBay my password is "ebay1234" but on Google Groups it would be "groups1234" and for my email it would be "mail1234")...

As far as I can recall, right now I use a selection of about 11 passwords, carefully doled about between 26 locations where I use passwords. If you crack one, and know another couple places where I go and my log ins there (another security level) then you have only a slight chance of being able to use the same password to get in there.

Anyway, nothing much else to say on the topic...just wanted to babble about that for a moment.

Today is my Dad's 82nd birthday, and we're only 15 days out from mine.

I'll leave the stage for most of the day, give EJ a chance, if he wants, to say something...God help us all.


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