Monday, August 22, 2005

Note to the poetgod hisself:

Okay, Boss,

I got your memoir from earlier regarding the distribution of the free copies of The Compleat Panther Cycles.

Not sure about the "discretionary" copies, unless you just want to leave that category open for special cases (celebrities, media, etc). Don't think we have to worry about either of your ex-wives asking for a copy (the first would burn it and the second missed her deadline for grace, your birthday, so now she is officially on your "who?" list)

The rest are slam-dunks:

The three who wrote the forewords:
*Barbara Homes (known to old Writers Club cronies on AOL as "TwisterB")
*Dan McTaggart (Mountain Poet)
*Brigit (both for having writ a foreword and, I suspect being someone you're trying to get things sparked with again)

The rear-cover text writer:
*Mari Laureano (poet, erotic poetry icon in and of her own write)

The model (YUM!):
*Jillian Ann

I also got yer note about the others:
*The Bookshelf in Bay St. Louis, Mississsippi
*The Panther, if she contacts and requests a copy
*The Truth a/k/a the Will-o-wisp, if she contacts and request a copy
*Psyche (the Electric Lady), if she contacts and requests a copy (or if a request is made by any of her sisters on her behalf?)

I have most of the copies in hand, the primary ones have either gone out or are going out in the next week or two

Oh, and how am I going to get the word out about the set asides for those who need to make contact for their free copies? I just did, through your blog.

Have a nice day. By the way, shipping weight on these mothers is about 5 pounds, did you know that? Five freaking pounds. Next time, make a smaller book.



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