Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sunday morning blather and the killing of God

Sunday morning...Sunday morning....Sunday morning...

Worried about Ann and her family, as they are dead in the path of Hurricane Katrina (now a Category 5 storm)...I hope they are safe. Sydney, be good. (Sydney is her dog (well she was OUR dog, but such is life), who does not like storms, she freaks at the sound of rushing wind or heavy rain or thunder...needless to say, she'll be a basket case for the next few days.)

Long hours take their toll...I've already worked out the redesign specs on the new City of Legends...going to give you guys what you've been asking for...a lot more works.

My friend Anastacia has been doing such a bang up job editing my websites and newsletters (if you don't get my newsletter, why the hell not? go to the City of Legends and sign up, schmuck!) that I am toying with having her edit my next book (most mortals would be afraid of that).

I need to call the boys today, not as an obligation but because there are days that they are the reason I stay standing.

I've been called upon to explain the title of the next book,

It's a six dollar word I coined a few years ago, meaning, literally "the killing of god". No, don't sic foreign tabloid billionaire Rupert Murdoch's talking head news prostitutes at Fox News on me (gee, they need something new to distract us from the bad economy, oil prices and the War in Iraq, what next?), note the small "g". It means a willful act that destroys a belief system or religious view.

I use it in reference to an emotional or intellectual crisis that turns into a spiritual crisis that causes a paradigm shift in one's thinking of God or god. It can be good or bad, depending on the cause and the result. A crisis that undermines you in such a way that you shed your false gods to embrace the one, true God is a good theocricide. A crisis that cause you to turn from God out of anger or bitterness or stupidity is a bad theocricide.

Get it? Got it? Good!


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