Monday, August 15, 2005

getting old...losing me edge (right...)

I was whipping on EJ for missing some mistakes in some editing (actually, I was just ticked because I promised not to read his post from Sunday for 2 days, which proves I'm an idiot)...

and I was also putting together a short note to local people about my reading this Wednesday.

and, er, I flubbed it. In the heading I was fine...but in the body I referred to this Wednesday as April 17 (and no, Anastacia, MS Word (which, by the way, I teach, so I know the tools) would not have caught "April", so there, nyah!)

I got a note back from one person already, I figure the rest will just ignore it, if I am lucky.


spoke with Csaba last night. great guy. I told him to come to reading and to bring his girlfriend (they had attended my read at the Zen Clay in April) he said they weren't together anymore (peoples reasons are their I never judge relationships, unless they are abusive)...yes, I have to admit there was a little voice in the back of my head that said "ask if she's seeing anyone" which sort of became like that running joke in "Better Off Dead" where everyone comes to John Cusack to see if he'd mind if they asked out his ex... I withstood the temptation and left it at that.

Got my official shipment of THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES that I'm going to distribute to the to each of the writers of forewords, one to Mari for her marvelous back cover text and of course, one to Jillian Ann for her gracing the cover and internal art (and yes, I keep wanting to call her Ann Jillian, whom I had a crush on back in the day)...thanks, guys. I'm also adding one to the "Malt on the Mon" silent auction and, should they show at the reading, donating one to the Morgantown Public Library.


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