Thursday, June 30, 2005

the storms are coming and I'm delighted...

If you know me, you know I love chaos (Blood and souls for my lord Arioch...hey, I even named a son Elric. Of course, I named the other one Dante (who knew then how the digital renaaissance would come to view me?))

So, news of a wave of violent thunderstorms bearing down on me doesn't phase me, actually, it is kind of energizing...I may just sit up for a few hours tonight and merge with the wind, the rain and the thunder...for that is my nature.

Just finished approvals on the press release going out tomorrow. We'll see how it plays in Peoria, or any other place that picks it up.

What next? Hey, let's just enjoy the afterglow of one of the most significant impossibilities of modern literature having been midwifed in these last few weeks.

The day job at Teletech goes's nice to be in a room full of people, none of whom have the vaguest idea of my legacy. It's levelling, and I don't have to be "on". The money is undazzling, by any standard, but I'll have health insurance for the first time in almost half a decade, which is good when you get to my age!

I'm going out on Saturday. No, none of your business.


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