Wednesday, June 22, 2005

still breathing

Get the birthday package off to Peri yesterday (finally got the address). Hope she likes it (I have been assured she won't...but since the number of people close to me who have been straight with me over the past few years can be counted on one...finger...I'll believe it when I hear it from her).

Updated the main banner ad for THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES on my website.

Someone ate all my Raisin Bran. Bought a whole box on Monday...all gone by last night. I had one bowl of it. Pfft!

Things are hectic, but will settle down and all deadlines are now in reach. Budget is improving (something my creditors will be glad to hear).

Joined yesterday at urging of friend (would I have been so quick to join if she wasn't young and beautiful and a writer whose works I respect? dunno...didn't happen that way)...sent out a few network...most have gotten an affirmative. limiting myself to people with strong common interest, people I already know and friends of friends (always a nice way to expand your network while making sure you mostly deal with peope who have been screened at least a little)

Gotta run. Will babble more later.


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