I love the smell of printer ink in the morning
Unfortunately, it's afternoon...so, that's out.
Just finished making some more revisions to the page for THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES - click here for info and ordering. Pretty nifty.
I admit I am pretty much exhausted, emotionally, after putting that all together. If I drank, I'd be drunk right now...but since that is still one line I haven't crossed in this life, guess I'll just have to keep working.
Oh, here's the other two images I will be using heavily in the book:
and. Both are Jillian Ann, that remarkable young woman from Nerw York who has been so supportive of this project and has added a much needed visual slant to this project with her professionalism and beauty. I can think of one other model I might have preferred using, but she has evaporated.
Finally got tentative word on when my daughter, Peri, is getting married next year...I am very excited for her because I think she chose well her husband. I wish them both the best. I already have a wedding gift in mind (no, I do plan to attend, so I can't make my absence a present...)
I've been keeping up the walks at lunch this week, at least a mile every day at lunchtime...as a result my tan is deepening and my leg muscles are doing their usual song and dance (I have a genetic predispostion to have massively muscled legs...)
My medical insurance kicks in on August 1st and I'll get myself a physical ASAP after that...having not been seen by a doctor in about five years, I cringe to think what all they'll find wrong with me...most I know, a few things I suspect...but, hey, you don't last forever...eventually things wear out.
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