Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Pretty pictures and a small vent on politics...

I have distributed the stage-1 final draft of THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES to my advisory committee, and the final will be with the publisher by the weekend. May God have mercy on us all. :-)

Here's something you haven't seen yet.

How's that?

What you're looking at is one of the internal pieces of art from the book, never before released. What do I mean "one of"?

I mean the book has many, such as

to keep things lively. I'll leave it to literary reviewers and fans to try and read anything into the means and method of the pictures, as they relate to the works.

The drawings aren't really drawings, but a little filter craftiness in Photoshop being applied to some lovely pictures our cover model Jillian Ann was kind enough to let us use.

Nice, huh? I mean the pictures. Hey, stop staring or I won't share any of the others.

This week is busy...although I am looking forward to the weekend. Barring any unpleasant surprises, I put this monster to bed by then (and we all know how much I enjoy putting lusty jungle cats to bed).

It has been arduous, but now my responsibilities are practically done...I feel relief.

By the way, did not watch our Pretendent give his speech last night on why war is good business, invest your son. I am sure Jesus is spinning still, that a man so careful to wrap himself in Christian robes on nearly every issue one can, for real or imagined, invoke Christian values, and then send thousands of young men and women to die in a war of aggression.

I am not a fan of terrorists, but I am a Christian first, an American second (you have to choose, and try to explain that choice on judgement day)...and while my sins are many, I don't ask you to send your children to die. Or to kill others.


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