Wednesday, June 29, 2005

one step closer...

Got final approval from Jillian Ann on the images. It feels good to have it, but still a little disingenuous, as it is neither the original Panther or Ann, who would have wanted so bad to be the face and figure for the ages...but that was both their decisions, not mine in either case.

Judge me by my intentions, not the foolishness of others.

Soon, I can rest. Not from the day to day, which I am now slipping back into like into a warm bath...I have always been a workaholic, only the arrogance and ignorance of others has prevented me from working tirelessly. But from the real labours. Thomas Edison said that a man only truly worked when he used his mind.

I agree, with the caveat that when he uses his passion, he is also working harder than any mere machine of sinew or steel can understand. Our minds and hearts are our connection to the divine. We are fulfilling ourselves in God's image when we create.

I promised myself the other day I'd list some phrases...phrases that maybe only a few people would understand, but if they see them, they'd know how much I missed them in my life. No names, no contexts, just soundbites of my life. So, here goes.

"tell me a secret"


"better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick"

"you're the only person who'd do that for me"

"sloth time!"


"atomic crickets"

Thanks. Little dog Turpie barks...


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