Thursday, June 02, 2005

A few hours of sleep helps some sleep, now feel almost human again.

Still working on issues of resolve and adaptation, but more clear headed. When people ask me why I don't drink, I can point at meanders like last night's self-absorbed soliloquy and say "Can you imagine that guy, drunk?"

Waiting game now. Tag, Brigit and the Model Citizen, I await their volleys. I have to anticipate all possible outcomes and have prepared all possible responses and next steps. It is a giant chess game with poets and muses instead of bishops and knights, and I cannot see the face or fate of my opponent.

Have a couple of small projects to wrap up today, then back to the big book. Tremendous response to the re-posting of the Tenth Panther Cycle over on Maybe I need to select a cycle every week or so and repost it.

I quietly added a half dozen works to my main website,, and people still noticed. Good. Will add more, including some new stuff, later today...

Got my new students last night...a very different bunch than last semester...even with a holdover or two. They seem game and, amazingly, I already know all their names...must be a threshold thing...I had so much trouble remembering the names last semester. One of my students from then dropped by before my class last night and told me she'd wanted to take one of my classes this semester, but her schedule didn't let it happen, so she's hoping to take two classes from me this fall (also I have a few who want to take my writing class when it is offered again...).

I need to get and take a long walk before the rain settles in. I hear that Cheetah is doing good. Of course, second hand information is never reliable...according to second hand information I am somewhere between dead and perfect, somewhere between the anti-christ and a holy man (remind me to tell you the curiosity about Maitreya Sangha sometime...)

Am postponing my weekly newsletter while I wait for resolution on some issues, don't want to deliver half the story, then wait, out of courtesy, for the second half to be announced...would rather wrap it all up in a single move.


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