Monday, June 20, 2005

the solstice looms and the deadly, dreaded deadline doom

We're almost to the "longest day" of the year (actually, they're all about the same length, we're just talking the percentage of "daytime" hours).

Still no word on any front regarding models for the cover of THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES...of course, I wasn't necessarily expecting a response within fifteen minutes. I emailed and called (and left a voicemail) for the original model, letting her know how urgent things were becoming. I contacted an old friend and let her know to put out the word, and I emailed another old friend who would be an excellent model for the job, but has been flighty on contact of word on any fronts yet. Oh, and I did post the notion on here, last night...maybe someone will jump on this opportunity. If not, I have my fallback...not my first, best choice, but I am ready to cut into the quick to make this happen.

Still writing like a sonovabich...helping with the stress.

The new works at the City of Legends are doing good, drawing some attention.

I am still a bit perplexed (but not surprised) at the lack of local interest in THE MORGANTOWN SUITE POEMS and The Appalachian Education Initiative's ART&SOUL volume. But I did have a blast at the press conference, regardless.

Presuming I get the address, I will be sending off a belated birthday present to my daughter today. I'm about to go do a 4-mile walk, then help my mom with a refinishing project...I teach tonight, then tomorrow start the new day job. I have some editing to do. And, one bright spot, Denis Leary's "Rescue Me" starts a new season tomorrow night. Nice there is at least one character to watch whom I know is more messed up and messed over than me. Like watching a car wreck in slow motion.

Never did get to see the season finale of "24"...helped my baby brother move that evening. But, I go to Television Without Pity for their recaps and at least I know what happened. If you don't go there regularly, you're missing the Cliff's Notes on water cooler talk.


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