Friday, March 24, 2006

so you think you know my soul

So you think you know my soul...

have you seen me, pale with conflict
acknowledging words of death
yet to come
from someone who sees without passion?

have you held me, strong with fury
when I must take a stand that costs me
something I
someone I want in my life but who is killing me?

have you read me, terse with hunger
as I allow my core to breach my mantle
and flood me
with impossibly hot metals and memories?

have you met me, blind and alone
left for dead by one who has fed on me
not caring
that I had carried them from hell on my back?

have you seen me, light with laughter
when words are nothing but words and
the mood fits
like a stray ray of sun on a field of clover?

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.


Ms. Adams said...

Sounds like someone's giving William the Conquerer a hard time.

William F. DeVault said...

Actually, it was a throwaway to a reader who nodded and said "I understand what you are feeling..." then proved, in the next paragraph, to have no concept of where I was or where I was heading.

Copyright © William F. DeVault | All Rights Reserved