Thursday, March 23, 2006

Gertrude is crude but too rude to intrude in the feud, dude

With the sounds of Sophie B. Hawkins' marvelous "Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover" echoing in my ears, I ponder the imponderable:

Is "Sacred Emily" too long for the podcast, as a reading? I have received several notes from regular listeners who don't want me to do such a long work of Gertrude Stein's while doing relatively short works by the other poets. Good points to be made, but I think it comes down to this:

Bite me.

My show, my agenda, my choice and it is occasionally a good thing to give people what they need aside from bread and circuses and TiVos and 'Desperate Housewives' and trans fat laced mystery meat patties with secret sauces.

Repeat: Bite me.

Thus endeth the lesson. I've got a show to record, edit, and publish.

Repeat after me..."Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose".


TheOracle said...

Mr. DeVault... I would love to hear your reading of "Sacred Emily" and the piqued response to the suggestion of limiting your words to short poems that may be more easily digested by short attentions spans... I merely respond... when and where? But only after you read the poem.

L'Oracle de L'Amour

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