Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday Morning and "Kisses..." is up

Okay, got the show up for this week...go to Radio City of Legends if you want the whole pie...

We got a good cover for Tag's book, finally...I think we're both happy with it. That takes a load off of me...

I'm going to go see my sons this weekend, which means my blogging may be spotty, if at all...but E.J. is welcome to publicly demonstrate his lack of respect for my readers and the English language.

I see where, the week after I'm reading and signing at Barnes and Noble, Eileen McKinney will be taking the same spot. If you don't know the estemmed Ms. McKinney, she is the West Virginia Poet Laureate and an excellent bard in her own write. Check her out either in person or at least via the web this month.

This is sizing up to be one of my most un-public National Poetry Months ever...and people wonder why I miss California...

I am extremely gratitifed at the response to "Kisses for Karma"...thank you all who have downloaded the new composition and responded to it. E.J. has talked me into doing an interview later this month...oh goodie, more softball pap for questions.


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