Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sex drugs and rock'n'roll

Something tells me today is going to be an interesting day...not sure what, probably some cues I've picked up from others and my environment that I'm only perceiving on the preconscious level, but that's...okay.

Hmph, no caffeine this morning...better get some later or I will be a bear.

Ever notice how the iconic phrase "Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll" is just a generationally updated "Wine, women and song"? But what about us poor straight edge poets, who don't drink or do recreational drugs? Somehow "Love, caffeine and poetry" doesn't quite have the same lilt, although it might make a good book title (adding it to my "future titles list" which is just slightly longer than my "people who don't return emails" list). Of course, in my case, historically, it would be "Love, sex and poetry"...or in recent memory "...and poetry".

Such is the life, no?

Just six months and eight days until my daughter's wedding. I've added some bookings during the week leading up to it in SoCal, as I'm going to be there anyway and its about time I reminded the local poets who the big dog was - is - will be (dialogue shout out to STILL CRAZY). At a minimum I am doing San Diego and Los Angeles...I might make a run up to Monterey that week...and of course I want to take the boys out to Joshua Tree while they are there. I'd like to see their reactions, it's sort of like the "opera test" in PRETTY that space affects you the first time you are exposed to it tells a lot about you. Peri and Jan will probably be too busy to take part, although Brian would be fun to spend some time with. I hope their marriage lasts forever and they never want for anything - like I told Peri years ago, as long as she is safe and happy, that's all I ask, and I think Brian is a terrific guy.

caffeine...must have caffeine...

Been having fun with the music for this week's podcast, been experimenting with digitally transforming keyboards into string instruments and visa versa, with some interesting results. You might want to tune in...I should have those up Friday...

Gotta get going...


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