Monday, March 06, 2006

The Brokeback Mountain deconstruction debacle

Going over the post-Oscar articles that seem to paper the universe right now, I am struck that so many commentators and essayists seem to want an explanation, a rationale, for why BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN lost for Best Picture.


Ghandi beat ET and aside from media writers needing to fill white space, you didn't see too much of articles deciding that "Audiences prefer holy men to friendly aliens." No, Ghandi caught a mood with Academy voters. And, in a five-way contest, you only need a hair over 20% of the votes to win. 20%!!! I can get that many people to vote for anything.

And here's the rub. America does not vote for the awards. Academy members do. If Brokeback lost, it could be for any number of reasons, as numerous as their are voters.

But to say it is due to ingrained prejudices, even homophobia, that sounds like sour grapes and rabblerousing. That's saying that, in the end, the quality of the writing, acting, directing mean nothing. The resonance. a key concept in art, means nothing. It's all about the theme, and people would rather talk about universal themes of alienation and prejudice than a gay love affair between Marlboro men.

Please. BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is a landmark movie, and it won some awards. Don't mock its importance or legacy by getting all whiny about the one that got away.

I don't sit around bitching about ALL THAT JAZZ not winning the Oscar, losing, not to the magnificent bastard of an epic APOCALYPSE, NOW, or even to pro-union political statement NORMA RAE, but to KRAMER VS KRAMER. (Ever wonder why 1979 is my favourite film year ever? Two of my ten favourite films of all time, ALL THAT JAZZ and APOCLAYPSE, NOW in one year!) Nor do I try to read into it more than it was (okay, I do have this conspiracy theory about musicals not getting the nod...certainly it was more deserving than CHICAGO...but that was in a weaker year. And ATJ did get 4 statues.

Although Roy Scheider lost to Dustin Hoffman (who also managed to beat Peter Sellers in BEING THERE...Jack Lemmon in THE CHINA SYNDROME ...ALL PACINO in AND JUSTICE FOR ALL), it does not diminish the film or the performance. I still want that final musical number played at my funeral.

Thus endeth the rant.


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