Saturday, March 25, 2006

a genii unsummoned, sings to me

the other morning I woke up, and the first sentence on my lips was a quote from the movie "Blade Runner".

No, not "I have done questionable things". I use that one enough. Nor Roy's death speech, I have used that.

A small line, spoken by Harrison Ford to the eternally yummy Sean Young: "I dreamed music". I spoke it aloud, like an observation, or a wish.

The sphere evolves.

This morning I rose and checked my email and there was an offering. An email. A link to a piece of music, spun by a genii, offered up as a bit of gratitude for what my works had resonated with the reader.

I listened to it. And.

And it found a corner. First one, then another, and another and anotheranotheranotheranother. Where I haven't been before, inside my head. Where the light of words had not yet penetrated.

So, I did not dream music. It dreamt me, and in doing so I found a genii. What does a genii do when it meets a genii?

We shall see.

I shall fill in the details when the time is apropriate, for now, know that this Atlas does not shrug...he tenses. Waiting for his next two wishes.


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