Friday, January 27, 2006

Wrapping it up, more William F. DeVault trivia

The final list, for now...enjoy!

81. The first draft of his poem "The Dragon Dies" was written in his own blood.
82. His first "cycle" of poems was called "Control" and was written as an intellectual exercise in 1995.
83. He once wrote an entire love poem in the computer language CoBOL.
84. The poet is a lifelong non-drinker.
85. The poem "Santa Ana Winds" was written while sitting in the desert near Los Angeles, during the winds.
86. He was once approached to run for the Legislature in Virginia, as a Republican.
87. When forced into "exile" in 1997, he copied all his works into a single zip file, and sent copies to six former lovers for safe keeping. All kept their copy of the master file safe.
88. He judges his feelings for a lover based on a reading of the works she inspired him to.
89. The poem "impalement" from "The Goldenheart Cycles" has two versions, the standard, PG-rated version and a longer, X-rated work.
90. His favorite poem to read for appearances is "I rained poetry".
91. He has been known to burst into spontaneous, extemporaneous poetry at readings. Bruce Autry of "Poetry Heaven" called him "the greatest extemporaneous poet I've ever seen".
92. He used to maintain a column for America Online's Writers Club of humorous "Top Ten Lists" - at one time they had over 500 on file.
93. At one time his will left his poems to the various muses who inspired them. He later revised this to leave his works only to his children.
94. On the final read of "The Southern Poets' Reading Tour" he recited without reading, and wept through the entire set.
95. He once ghost-wrote a novel for a lover.
96. He has had frostbite, and gangrene.
97. He likes to cook for his lovers, mostly because he is such a picky eater he is afraid she will fix something he does not like and he will be compelled to eat it, to avoid offending her..
98. He worked as a Drug and Alcohol Resource Specialist for middle and high school students in California, including teaching classes on Youth Alternatives to Violence, parents groups on how to spot drug use, and counseling groups for drug offenders as young as 11.
99. He once had a bat for a pet. The bat's name was "Chigger".
100. The poem "long haired star" was written as an exercise in alliteration. A "long haired star" is the ancient name for a comet.

There you are. Not everything you might want to know, and maybe many things you really don't care about, but that's life, bubba. I had to leave out some really good stuff because I value my head.


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